2~meet and greet~

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"i'm sorry,she's gone"the doctor instantly told us  pattie had passed.the news surely broke everyone but justin."mommy,mr.bear isn't a good boy,he said he can't play with me"justin put the teady bear on the bed and looked at patties pale face.

"shh..mr.bear,mommy's sleeping"justin place a soft kiss on pattie's face and turned to me."mr.macCain...why are you crying like little justin,mommy said bad boys are crying,but i'm allways crying,but mommy said i'm now fifteen and big boys don't cry,youre so much older than me so don't cry,kay"justin wiped my tears with his little hands.

"yes,honey your mommy right as allways,justin she said she need a looong nap so lets go home..buddy"

Justin nodded and took his teddy and walked away from my pattie.

two week's later,

"justin let's pack your bags...now you can stay with me forever"i grabbed justin's stuff and packed them.

"but...mr.macCain,mommy alone in the church,sleeping in a box,i can't leave her all alone"justin hugged his teddy tightly.

"she's not alone honey,jesus...and angles allways with her...lets go"justin gave me a happy smile and took my hand.we walked away from pattie's memories.justin entered the car and put his toy between us.i started the car and drove it away from pattie's house.

Justin's p.o.v

"mr.macCain,your house b-big and beautiful"i clapped my hands happyly.mr.macCain unlocked the door for me.

"justin,don't tell me mr.macCain,i'm your one and only unckle paul,so call me paul,honey i'm home...."i nodded and gave him a warm smile.a beautiful girl like my mommy walked to the living room with a big smile on her face.she's too cute but her belly too big I think she eating too much.

"ohh..honey,youre so so cute....i love your hair"she walked to me and hugged me tightly.i hugged her back.

"by the way..i'm selena..."i felt her warm belly leave my body slowly."a beautiful name,my name is justin,but my mommy call me jay"i cleared my throat.

"umm...oh"her face get red and looked at paul sadly.

"anyways.....where's the jason"paul broke the silence

"in his room.."i sat on a comfortable couch,selena sat next to me.paul walked upsrairs slowly.

Jason's p.o.v

"jason...can I come in"i heard dad's voice behind the door."yes.."i smirked.dad unlocked the door and entered my room.he sat on by bed corner.

"what the fuck..."dad rolled his eyes.

"okay...justin is here,go down and talk with him,he's a good boy"dad said softly.

"i have no fucking time "i smirked and dad sighned.he grabbed my cell phone from my hands and reached the door.

"now you have fucking time,if you want this back do as what I said"i glared at him"fuck..."i skipped out of the bed and walked behind him.

I walked to the downstairs and saw a beautiful boy sat on the couch next to my mom.dad walked to him and sat next to him.

"youre so cute,but your belly too big...mommy said don't eat too much suger and that make your belly bigger"what the fuck he said.i laughed as loud as I could,he flinched and turn to me.

"ohh man....fuck,she's pregnant iddiot..."mom rolled her eyes at me."justin....this is jason"dad changed the subject.justin's face get reded."nice to meet you jason...youre handsome like mr.bear"who the fuck is mr.bear,i rolled my eyes at him,he smiled at me innocently.he's so cute....ohh man,no.

Guys this chapter too short please vote and comment.
Love u all.

Love Me Like You Do(jastin)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin