Chapter 2

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It was a few weeks later and Connie had started to realise she was not on her own, she had even started going out with the staff. Zoe got a position as a consultant in the ed so she was sticking around, she moved in to Connie's as Connie had a huge house all on her own. The tension that had built up between Connie and Jacob was unbelievable Zoe kept telling her you could feel it when you walked in to a room. Connie was starting to feel it to and she was starting to be frosty towards Jacob, that's all because she realised how much she didn't need him. "
*******that night
After a hectic shift Connie had decided to bring the team for drinks that night as a little thank you, to her disappointment Jacob was there.As Connie went up to the bar she felt a male presence and could smell that awful after shave she turned to see Jacob standing next to her "no Sam" asked Connie smugly "no she's on nights" Connie smiled grabbed her wine and headed to there seats. After a few rounds people were starting to get Tipsy and Robyn decided to play a game "okayyy let's playyyy truth or dare, I'll start withhhhh... Connie"Robyn said smiling "really" Connie whined "Yep so truth or dare?" "Truth" "okay is it true that you and Jacob are broken up?" "Yes" Connie said taking a large gulp of wine "okay Connie your up who are you picking" "okay.. Zoe truth or dare?" I'll go with truth Connie" she said through gritted teeth "oh your so boring" moaned Robyn "fine then dare okay" "I dare you to kiss the person your sleeping with" "I'm not sleeping with anyone" "that's not what I hear. In the morning" she whispered to Zoe "Finnnne" Zoe said getting up and walking over to max where she kissed him passionately "thanks Connie" Zoe said annoyed sitting down beside her "no problem you'll be the talk of the hospital tomorrow" after a few more people went Louise asked Connie again "so Connie truth or dare I'll go with..." she hesitated "truth" "ok tell us the truth about why you and Jacob broke up?" Connie smiled wickedly "well you probably think it's me that's the reason we broke up, but it's mainly Jacob. You see when I was at my sick daughters bedside not knowing if she was going to survive he fe- he felt lonely because I didn't have time for him which is understandable in the circumstances and because he was so so lonely he sleeps with another woman. So if that satisfies everyone" she said quickly getting up and going outside "Connnie" Zoe called getting up to follow her "your terrible Jacob we thought it was her doing something but no it was you" Robyn said annoyed Connie stood against the wall hugging Zoe "Connie you don't need him" I know Zoe but part of me still cares and loves him so much" Connie sobbed into her sisters arms. "Con I'm gonna go back in you coming?" No no I think I'm gonna go thanks" "okay con see you and get home safe" "okay are you coming home tonight" Connie questioned "probably" "alright don't be loud" "okay Mum" "ha your not funny" "okay goodnight" Connie said as Zoe went inside as she turned to walk to the taxi rank she heard the pup door open and someone walk behind her just then she felt someone grab her hand and pull her back she was ready to scream until she seen who it was "Jacob what do you want?" she asked "you" he replied huskily before she could think twice she was already kissing him soon they were back at Connie's leaving a trail of clothes as they made their way to the bedroom..
(I'll leave it to your imagination)
It was about four that morning when Jacob slipped away from Connie he quickly gathered his clothes and put them on just as he was leaving Connie woke up "Jacob it's 4:15 what are you doing" "I'm leaving Connie last night was a mistake I love Sam not you" Connie didn't know what to do she looked at him "J-Jacob please let's talk about it" "there's nothing to talk about Connie" with that Jacob left Connie sat on the bed sobbing she heard Zoe come in at about 4:45 "Connie" Zoe whispered hearing a faint sob coming from her room she walked in to see her sobbing she quickly dropped her stuff and got into bed beside her "what happened Con?" "I-I slept w-with him a-and h-he told me t-that it was a m-mistake and that h-he doesn't L-Love me h-he Loves S-S-Sam" "oh Connie come here Zoe said pulling her in closer "I feel so stupid Zoe" "your not stupid Connie, he is now come on get some sleep and tomorrow we can go out and forget about men all together" "you can't forget about men Zoe. Maaxxxx" "shut up Connie I've a bone to pick with you about making me kiss him and tell the department" "oh ye forgot about that. Hahaha" "you are so evil" "I knowww"
That morning Connie woke up at around 8 she was awake before Zoe, just as she was about to go on a jog she got a text from Jacob saying "we need to talk" she asked when and where he told her cafe by the hospital in 1/2 an hour she text back "ok" before writing a note to Zoe telling her she was on a jog before settling of on the 20 minute run as she got there she seen Jacob walking in the opposite direction she walked inside and grabbed a seat ordering herself a coffee, just then Jacob walked in "okay Jacob what do you want" "about last night" "what" "you cant tell anyone" Connie scoffed "and why not" "because it will ruin me and Sam" Connie just laughed "what" "I will keep it and not for you and Sams benefit, it's entirely my own, you see I could bury you with that secret so be careful" "and what Connie you think I'm scared I've my secrets about you" Connie laughed "like what, amuse me" "that your from Peckham" "they wouldn't believe you, because I was born there not raised""you told me" "I lied Jacob I'm not raised there I was raised somewhere else" Jacob looked at her baffled "so if that's it I'll be going she told him picking up her coffee and paying for it leaving Jacob sitting alone as soon as Connie got home she went straight upstairs into Zoe's room to see Zoe sleeping she left her be and took the note.
About an hour later Connie was sitting on her bed doing some paper work when Zoe came in and lay across the bed "Zoe careful" Connie told her "ughhh I'm never drinking again" Zoe moaned "liar" Connie told her not looking up from her paper work. "So what are we doing today" Zoe asked her "I honestly don't care really" "ye know what I've got an idea" "what?" Connie asked her not really paying attention "shopping and then dinner with mum and dad" "ye ok as long as we can come home first" "ye obviously" "okay when are we leaving" "emmm an hour" Zoe told her "okay come on or I won't be ready" Connie told Zoe leaving the paper work on her bed and walking over to her wardrobe "what are you wearing?" Zoe asked "just my jeans my black blouse and I don't know what shoes" "of course you know what shoes" "sorry" "your louboutin" "I don't know, why you are so interested in my choice of shoes" "well for start they are 500 pound a pair so.." "annnnnd" "well you have 7 pairs that's over 3000 pounds on shoes" "well what else do I have to spend my money on I have the new car, I have the huge house, I have the designer clothing so" "ye true, your lives very sad now that I think of it" Zoe said laughing "shut up" Connie said throwing a pillow at Zoe come on let's go

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