Tom x shy reader

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(I'm writing this at 3:00am so don't judge me if it's bad ;-; I'm fricken scared af rn...)

You haven't seen your cousin, Tord in quite some time. He thought it would be a wonderful idea to introduce you to his friends. You can't quite remember what he said their names were... anyways, you got your bag packed and ready so you can spend the weekend with your favourite cousin and his friends. You packed two of your favourite outfits and your favourite

~lil time skip brought to you by Matt loosing his marbles~

Once you reached their home you swear you could hear yelling coming from inside. You were confused. "Tord sure does have some crazy friends if they yell at each other..." you mumble to yourself quietly. You walked towards the door you head your Norwegian cousin yell "KNULLE DEG, JEHOVAHS!". You frown because you knew exactly what that means and you know that Tord knows not to swear.
You knock on the door quickly before anything bad happens. The door swings open and standing in the doorway is a young man with dark brown hair and a green hoodie. "Oh, hello! Are you (Y/N)?" The young man asked. You nod slowly. "Well then, it's nice to meet you, I'm Edd!" Edd says with a grin.
"Nice to meet you, Edd, um... is Tord here...?" You ask shyly. "Oh yea, he is here!" Edd turns around quickly. "Hey! Tord! Your cousin is here!" Edd yells over the argument Tom and Tord are having. Tord rushes to the door and pulls you into a very tight hug "you're finally here!" Tord says in his strong Norwegian accent. "I missed you sooooooooo much!" Tord kisses you on your forehead which makes you blush. Wait wtf? Why is your own cousin making you blush? What the literal fluff?
You hiss which makes Tord chuckle. "Come on in!" Tord says as he pulls you into the house then closes the door. "Alright so.... you already met Edd... uh... that's Matt," Tord says as he points to a cute lil cinnamon roll with a purple hoodie, green over coat, and ginger hair "and that is... *cough* Jehovahs Witness." Tord says as he points to another young man with a blue hoodie, spiked brown hair and... no... eyes...? You were kind of confused, you just shrugged it off though.
The young man in the blue hoodie growls "My name is Tom you stupid commie...". "My name isn't Commie, It's Tord you dickhead!" Tord practically yells at the no eyed man. "Classic stupid Tord." (Hehehe see what I did there?) Tom chuckles. "CLASSIC STUPID JACKA-" before Tord could finish what he was about to say, you glared at him. It was the kind of glare which makes people think 'oh that bish gonna kill me.'. Tord knew what that meant. "Sorry (Y/N)." Tord says calmly. "It's fine..." you say innocently.
"Oh! Wanna see my toy collection?!" Matt says with a huge grin plastered on his face. "Er... no... sorry..." You sigh. Matt looked like he was about to cry. "W-why not...?". "Because I'm not in the mood..." you mumble. Matt's face lightens a bit. "Oh ok, I understand."

Oh wait... um... eh heh... uh... IM INNOCENT!

~time skip brought to you by David(Camp Camp) yelling "LOOK OUT WORLD! IM HARD AND IM COMING!"~

Everyone was very talkative to you and was super kind to you except for Tom. Tom wouldn't speak to you. He would only look at you then look away when you notice. For some reason whenever you looked at him you swear you could feel either butterflies in your stomach or as if you are in a boiling volcano. Your face would always be flustered whenever he looked at you. Are you started to fall for him? Pfft... no... maybe...?... yes...?... you don't know...? Eh whatever... it wouldn't matter... it's not like he likes you or anything...

~Timeskip to when it's bedtime~

You couldn't sleep... most likely because there was a nasty thunderstorm outside. You were petrified of storms... you decided to go to Toms room... once you knocked on the door he immediately opened. "What do you want." Tom said with a kind of harsh tone. "I-i can't.... sl- AHHH!!" You heard the very loud thunder outside which made you hug Tom tightly and hide your face in his chest. He was startled. So were you. "Heh... afraid of storms, aren't ya?" He chuckles quietly. You nod. "Alright you can sleep with me then." He says with a small smile.
You go into his room. He then closes the door and lays in his bed. He pats on the spot beside him, as if telling you to lay with him. Which you did. When you heard the thunder again you cuddled up against him with your face on his warm chest. He would gently pet you on the head and would gently rub your back to help you calm down. Luckily it worked. It even made you sleepy. Before you drifted off to sleep you swear you heard Tom say something...
"I love you... (Y/N)..."

(900 words)
I hope y'all enjoyed that horrible story... uh... if you have anymore requests, feel free to request some more stories!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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