The arrangement [CHAPTER 1]

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Chapter 1:


Could my life get any more boring? It’s three months in to my second year in college of the same routines everyday. Get up, go to college, finish at 4pm, go home, do my home works, struggle with mathematics and then sleep. That’s the cycle for five straight days every week.

I’m just thankful we only have a month left until Christmas holiday. That’s a two week holiday without having to deal with these people we call “classmates”. I never figured out the reason why people simply didn’t like me. I barely do anything to them, but whenever I try to start a conversation with them they just ignore me for some reason. So over time I learnt to just be quiet and not talk to them. Especially the girls. The female human beings are weird species I tell you.

Anyway, last week we were informed that we were going to get a new Mathematics teacher because Mrs. Benson had to have a paternity leave. God. That woman. How old is she? 45 or something?!

As the bell rang I headed to my Math classroom and then sat down on my normal seat, which is at the far right in the last row. I chose that place because only one person would be seating beside me, no one behind and one in front of me and also because it’s by the windows.

The first lessons supposedly start at 8:55AM but our new teacher was about 10 minutes late.

Great start of your first day mister.

We got a male teacher as a new mathematics teacher. He didn’t seem old surprisingly. I’ve always thought that all Mathematics teachers were old. Considering that it’s A-Level mathematics I expected the teachers to be at least 40+ years of age.

He was cute I had to admit though.

He started the lesson by writing his name on the board.

‘Mr. Elijah Wilde’ it says.

“Hello class. My name is Elijah Wilde as it says on the board. Before I start the class I need you all to change seats into alphabetical order.So people with name starting with letter ‘A’ will sit here…” He said as he pointed to the seat in front of his desk.

F*cking great. I’m the only one in the class with a name starting with the letter ‘A’.

Dammit mom and dad! Disliking you guys right now! I thought to myself.

“…I think it’ll be easier for me to learn your names.” He finished saying.

I sighed and got off my seat and headed for the front row to the seat in front of his desk. I felt almost everyone’s eyes on me as I make my way into my new seat.

Gosh! What's wrong with these people, seriously!? 

When we were all sat down in our new seats Mr. Elijah proceeded to teach and asked us where our previous teacher left off.

Obviously I wasn’t the one who put their hand up to answer his question. Of course it was one of the many confident girls in the class.

“We started doing the transformations of exponential and log graphs.” one of them said, and the rest of them agreed.

And so he started to go over that section from the beginning just to remind us what we should’ve learnt.

As per usual I found it hard. Like seriously struggling to understand and remember all the transformations. I’ve heard that this section is supposed to be one of the easiest sections. But graphs and their transformations has always been my weakness since the first year of learning Mathematics in college.

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