Chapter 3

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"Why you have to do this?" I asked him when he was leaving our flat again. He was sitting on the ground in front of me putting his favorite black Vans on. 

"Oh God," he sighed and looked at me. "You know I have no choice." 

"Do you really?" I said kind of provocatively because I had enough of this. While we were watching our favorite movie on the day Louis promised we'll spend together, his phone ringed and I couldn't help but hear her voice. As soon as he answered the call, I knew it was Danielle. 

"It's just a stunt, okay?!" He shouted and his phone fell from his hand to the ground. "You're like a fucking child, grow up." 

I remained silent. I didn't believe these words came from his mouth. 

When he stood up from the ground, he looked at me. I was leaning against the wall with my arms crossed on my chest. I was looking back at him hoping he won't leave in the end. That maybe he will choose to spend the rest of the evening laying in the bed with me. 

I was wrong.

"I'll be back soon," he said quietly making eye contact with me. "Okay?" He was making sure I trust him. That I know he will come back. 

"Yeah, I know," I replied as I looked down while losing all my hopes. "I know." I repeated my words looking right at him while he was nodding his head. He knew I didn't believe him. He knew it. And I knew that he knows by the way he was looking at me. 

"I promise." I closed my eyes as he said those words. "I'll be back soon." 

And then he left.

And he wasn't back soon. He didn't even come back. 

I knew what he was doing when he was leaving. I knew he was feeding me lies but I was kind of hoping that I was wrong and that he will come back. That he will come home and finish his dinner that he left in the living room laying on the table. That it was all just a stunt as he said.

But as I was sitting on the couch waiting for him while his dinner was getting cold, I knew there's no way he's coming back. 

I still remember the day he left our apartment so clearly that every time I play it in my head, it hurts me again and again. This image repeats in my head every time I go to sleep and I don't know how to get rid of it. 

My eyes are getting red when I'm having a lack of sleep again. I'm trying to think of all the reasons why he left our apartment and especially me behind. Of course there are no answers, at least none that I would know of. But my head likes to play with these questions when I should be sleeping. 

I look at my phone screen and see that it's already 4:36 am. I close my eyes and they start burning from the lack of sleep and again in front of me I can see his face. His eyes when I knew he was leaving but still, I didn't stop him. I remember the emptiness I felt in my heart when I was throwing his cold dinner into the sink knowing I won't be able to get rid of this feeling for a long time. 

I remember every single moment but most of all I remember his voice telling me that he will be back soon. And my heart replying to him: "I know you won't."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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