*Present day*

Harry's POV

I shot out of bed, Luke groaning as I made my way towards the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet.

"Morning sickness, my ass." Luke grumbled as my eyes watered. "This has been happening all night!"

He walked in slowly, dropping onto the floor next to me as I finished, laying his head on my shoulder with a blanket around his shoulders.

He wrapped his arms around my middle, moving his head up to rest his chin on my shoulders.

He rubbed my stomach gently as I hung my head, the nausea still there.

"You okay now?" He asked quietly, his hand going up to rub my two month stomach. I had found that I was pregnant again after Lukey and I had came back from our honeymoon 2 months ago and I do have a feeling that I could be pregnant again.

"I think..." I mumbled, exhausted from not sleeping well the past few weeks because of this.

He helped me up as I brushed my teeth.

He went and grabbed my glass of water from my bedside table. "Drink it, babe." He handed it to me as I took small sips.

My stomach churned, me shaking my head as I handed it back to him. "I just wanna sleep." I whimpered as he took it.

I dragged my feet back to bed, shivering slightly as he followed, throwing the comforter over us both.

Luke's POV

I sighed as I heard Harry hacking into the toilet in the morning.

I heard the toilet flush before he appeared and came back to sit on the edge of the bed.

His shoulders slumped, him rubbing his stomach.

He was in a large jumper and sweatpants, pale looking and shivering slightly.

I held the blanket up, him turning his head to look at me.

"Come here, baby." He whimpering while he crawled close to me, curling up as I held him close.

"You had to get pregnant didn't you?" He whined, me laughing lightly as I rubbed his back.

"We've been talking about a baby for about a year now, Haz. This wasn't a one person job." I mumbled, nuzzling my nose into his hair.

"Yeah..." He says softly.

Later that day, we're both with our friends Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Michael, Ashton and Calum, as well as Ariana.

Ariana was also pregnant by Michael, same amount of months as Harry.

At the moment, Harry was once again, throwing up. "I don't know, I mean. I've had a few queasy days but some saltines and ginger ale helped fine." Ariana said while I nodded.

"I think we have those." I went to the kitchen, smiling when I found a liter of Ginger ale and a row of packaged saltines.

I walked back in as did Harry, miserable, tired and pale while wrapped in a blanket, hair pulled up in a cute bun.

Harry Styles younger sister [Tomrry/Mariana]Where stories live. Discover now