He puts two sheets of paper in front of us. He rubs his knuckles and cracks them. Paisley leans forward and I can see her eye him.

How I wish I was her.

"Shit has gone down in the last days and it's ruined both our families such as relationships to the people were closest with.", he begins and I shut my eyes.

How close were Paisley and I? I have seemed to completely forgotten how it was like to be with her 24/7. She was like my other half.

"We should stop seeing each other. Take a break.", Ethan picks the pen up and doodles a little lightning bolt on one of the papers. Grayson gets up as Ethan raises his hand.

"But please, hear me out, all of you.", he begs. He looks up at his twin in pain and Paisley has a guilty look on her face as the other twin stands up.

The pen in his hand twirls around skillfully. "I met her first, and so she is mine.", he mutters and grabs Paisley's wrist.

Grayson chuckles. "That's not your decision to make, Ethan. And why on earth would she want to be with some male whore like you?", he smirks.

Paisley squints at her former boyfriend and shakes her head. "Well, you kind of fucked me up too, ya know.", she interjects and Gray looks down at her.

"Don't tell me now that you didn't enjoy it.", he scoffs and Paisley becomes all pale and silent. I roll my eyes.

"She's not a fucking item that you can posses. She is a human being, a freaking woman. She's precious and shouldn't be treated like this at all.", I snap and my sister raises her eyebrows at me.

I look at her sympathetically. She is my sister, my own blood and flesh and I would do whatever it takes to protect her, since I was such an ass to her.

I'll let her have these boys. I shouldn't get myself so twisted in this subject. It's not my fucking fault they both fell for her.

"Fucking let her go and make her mind for the next week. No murder cases, please. She's just one in 7 billion.", I remind them and help her up.

We walk to the door, arms linked as if we were little kids going on a walk to the ice cream van. I look at her.

"You okay?", I ask insecurely. She gulps and nods crazily. "I missed you.", she confesses and I smile.

I lean my head on her shoulder and we walk down to my car. I hug her and she sobs into my shoulder.

"Why do I fuck up so much.", she whimpers and I stroke her spine as it trembles with every breath she takes.

I drive away from the 'house of horrors' and shake my head at her. "It's not you.", I promise her. She whimpers.

"I can't believe I let them get between us. They're such assholes.", she rants but immediately covers her mouth, realizing that her boyfriend was one of the jerks she had just described ever so perfectly.

"Pais, I won't tell a soul.", I promise her and drive into our driveway. She sobs and I lean over to take her in my arms. She hugs back, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm so sick, Piper. I mustn't love them both, it's wrong!", she whispers and I stroke her ever-matte hair. I bite down on my lip.

"Whatever happens, I promise you that you will never stand alone through it. You have me and Paige.", I take her hand and put it on my cheek.

She looks up at me in confusion. I blink slowly as she wipes away her tears and messed up mascara from her face.

"I'm your sister, and I'm always there for you. We shouldn't let some stupid boy get between us. It's stupid and like the square root of two.", I try to cheer her up with a maths joke.

She giggles. She gets what I mean. "You're right, Pipe. Nothing. Not even a stupid guy.", she links pinkies with mine and we
squeeze them tightly.

That's a promise I'll always keep.


wassup hoes

i'll not be updating this book until 2 weeks because:

a) i'll be on vacay and i'll write way more

b) i have other books to work on until then

btw, this bitch just completed her freshman year. holy shit. i think this book might be finished and edited by january 2019.

till then...

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qotd; should paisley be with ethan or grayson? spam the comments.


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