Fate or coincidence?

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Hi, guys!! First i want to thank for many readers following the story and favoriting, or put it on the lists your gonna read, you don't know how much important this is. And for that, here it is the second chapter so awaited. I hope you like it!!! And warning: the story plot has been changed, so it is better for the people who read it a long time, read it again the first chapter so you don't get so confused!

 Tomorrow was her birthday, and her parents once again argued over Kara's trip to London to pay homage to Princess Mary and celebrate Prince Harry's birthday. It was like this since the girl had the possibility to choose what to do. It seemed that her mother, whenever her birthday came, was out of her calm. Nervously she would stay and prevent all forms of the girl from being able to go to the prince's birthday. To say that the girl never questioned her mother's behavior, she asked several questions to her father, questions that came with the same answer, "she does not like him," he says.

It was not long before her mother left the room nervous and determined. Her father came back with an exhausted expression every time he fought with his wife. "We've decided that you will not go to London tomorrow." And even before the girl opened her mouth to complain, her mother raises her hand, a clear plea for interruption. "Even if you're old enough to decide on your own and go by yourself, we do not want you to spend your birthday away from us." It came out like that giving her final word. The father approached his daughter putting a hand on her shoulder, perhaps giving the girl comfort.

Soon after, the young woman was locked in her room, waiting for her friend Lauren, to connect via Skype. The dark face with few freckles and black hair tied in a bun appeared on the screen of the apple notebook.

"Hi friend. So how did it go? Are we free to make the trip tomorrow? "

With a sigh, Kara replied. "So, my father called her to a private conversation, which resulted in a discussion. In the end, I did not get released for tomorrow. "

"Wow, seriously? Did not your mother realize that you're already 27? It's time to have a life of your own! "

"Yeah, I know. But it does not matter, because she will not let me leave on my birthday. "

"So, will you once again let the opportunity pass?"

This question made the girl think that it was time to stop being a daddy's daughter and make decisions on her own. "You're right. I can not let her control me forever. Soon I will be leaving home and living my life. It's marked friend, tomorrow at eight, find me here in front of the house. Let's run away. "Lauren let out cries of joy, thanking the heavens for making uptight friend, out of line.

"Kara, what's that yelling?" Asked Sophia, the girl's mother. His body was leaning against the door, showing only his thin face and black-rimmed glasses, and loose black hair. This was a fact the girl would never understand, her parents are dark, but her daughter is blonde. They respond with the fact of genetics, that family ancestors have blond people. "Hi, Lauren, my dear. How are you?"

"I'm good, Aunt Soph. I'm sorry the shouting, but I was celebrating the birthday of this crazy woman here in advance. " Answered between laughs Lauren. "Well, my mother is calling me to go to the family dinner. Good night and see you tomorrow". Closing the notebook, Kara turned the chair toward her mother at the door.

"I'm not going to pretend we're happy because we're not. I do not like to stop you from doing something. But you know how important this date is to me and your father. You are our only daughter, we do not want to spend the birthday without you. "Mother spoke, sitting on the bed beside the computer desk. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Mom. And do not worry I understand. Now I'm going to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a full day, "Kara said, rising from her chair.

"That's fine. Good night daughter."

"Good night, mom."

And putting the alarm clock to wake the seven and the illuminators on the ceiling brightening the room, Kara went to sleep.

She turned off the alarm clock and changed her clothes, keeping an eye on the schedule so she would not be late. She saw Lauren's car, a citroen aircross stopped in front of the family's garden, saw that it was time to get off. As she reached the front door, Kara heard her father's voice. "I knew you'd do it one day." She turned and found John, her father, standing in the hallway leading to the kitchen. "Father, I'm sorry ..."

"You do not need to apologize. We have to. Have fun, daughter. "And with a parting kiss, the girl came out the door. The girls left the car in front of the Oxford station and with a bought ticket, they headed toward London.

The crowd was contained between the metal barriers and the cars passing, with each of their passengers, these being the royal family, beckoning to the people. The path being to Westminster Abbey, the family was going to pray a Mass in honor of Princess Mary, the twin sister of Prince Harry, then go celebrate Prince's birthday, after he put the flowers on the grave of his sister.

Inside the crowd, three blocks from the abbey, were the young Lauren and Kara squeezing through the crowd to see the carriage. When the two met in the iron fence, Kara's cell phone was taken out of the bag to take pictures, while waving to the royal family. The crowd was increasingly picking on Kara and Lauren against the barrier, the cops were talking to get away, but it was not heard. It was at that moment that Kara's cell phone began to vibrate, it was a call from her mother. It must have been because she had found out about the girl's escape, so she did not answer. But by a touch of fate, the barrier that Kara was squeezed finally gave way with the weight, causing the girl to fall in the street, grating knee and hand. Other people were also injured. The car that was passing by at that hour was stopped so that one of the passengers could descend.

It was Prince Harry, who worried about the crowd, went to look at it and try to help in some way. But that was not all, he did not know why, but his heart said that it was for him to get out of the car and go towards people. And that was exactly what he did and his body seemed to know where to go, as it ended up standing in front of the blue-eyed girl with blond hair, which to him only remembered one person. At the same time, at Kara's house in Oxford, an ambulance was waiting to carry the patient to the hospital.

And so, what do you think it happened in Kara's house? Who is the patient? Just wait for the third chapter. And if you want to express your theories to what happens next, you can write in the comments section, i want to see what you guys think. See u soon!

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