Chapter 3 - A kick in the head.

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I was woken the next day by being shaken by Jesse, I grumbled a bit and realised it was like 5pm,  my sleeping routine was severely fucked up, I'd get it back soon, but now I had to work.

I slipped into a pare of grey joggers, a peace top, some converses and a messy bun, applied some make up so I didnt look like a total zombie, and pulled out my laptop, preparing a setlist, the times for each song, speech, intro, signings, and all the rest.

I connected my laptop up to the printer and got a few copies before givings them to Kellin and Gabe, and keeping another to myself. When we arrived at the set, I helped unload all the instruments and amps, helped set it up on stage and watched them prepare and practise, none of this was new. I'd done it plenty of times before.

It was just like it was when the band started touring, but worse. They started touring a few months before I graduated and didnt have enough money to get an assistant, so I said I would in the time I had off from high school. Kellin and I werent dating but we were really close, he would invite me up on stage and introduce me to the crowd as their little red elf, on the bus we'd share a bunk, but we only ever hugged, nothing more. We would stay all up night talking and mucking about, Im sure we annoyed everyone else.  Someone in the band did 5-10 minute videos for youtube of what happened backstage and on the bus, and there were loads of scenes with us 2 just mucking about. Everyone was convinced we were together, only myself and Sleeping with Sirens knew the truth.

We got together after I graduated. My parents dissaproved of Kellin, they didnt want me with a 'skater boy'. So I gave up everything and ran away with them on tour, we still werent dating, but the Sleeping with Sirens guys had been such an impact on my life I couldnt give them up. Before all that though was my prom though, and I had absolutely no one to go with, my best friend Aleks had her boyfriend, so I decided not to go.

'You have to go, its prom, you'll so regret it if you dont' Kellin tried to convince me, 'Im not going alone like a loser' I groaned. 'Then Ill go with you' Kellin said as if it was that simple, though it was, 'what?' I frowned, not believing him. So, like a gentleman, he got down on one knee and said 'Sage Elizabeth Hoggard, will you let me take you to prom?' obviously I giggled like a cheerleader and said yes, and we went to prom, everyone was shocked I actually had someone to go with, someone in a band, someone who was very attractive.

A month after I graduated we were on the tour, everything changed. It was just me and Kellin in the bus, it was really hot and I was in some short shorts and a vest, kellin was strutting about topless showing off, so we had a pillow fight, and after about 10 minutes we were pouring with sweat, dying of laughter and just collapsed on the floor. 'So whats your favourite song then?' he huffed, 'I have way too many but, off the top of my head, Iris, by the Goo Goo Dolls' I panted back, 'Good choice' he winked.

Then it just happened, we kissed and since then we'd been history.

But now everything was just different, it wasnt all fun and exciting. They did the set and I sat back stage talking through a small microphone to Kellin telling him how much time he had and everything.

'You now have to sing the last song and say your goodbyes' I said clumsily, not really thinking about it, they had a maximum of 20 minutes left on stage before everyone had to leave and we had to head to our new destination.

But Kellin decided to wind things up, he sang 2 more songs, crowd surfed twice, and made the last speech really long, then made Jesse have a long guitar solo to finish off. I just stood there, screaching into my microphone that connected up to a hearing thing in his ear. But he just ignored me.

When they came off stage and everyone left, I just started screaming at Kellin while the guys packed their stuff away, he just stood their smirking, being cocky, thinking he was smart, I just looked at him in disgust.

'You think what you're doing is cool? Its just stupid and immature and you're wasting peoples time' I said, turning away.

'I was thinking about the fans' he muttered.

'At first yeah, then you were just plain spiteful' I turned around.

'Thats not fair' he frowned.

'You cheating on me wasnt fair either' I spat.

All of a sudden the air became thick and everything around us just fell silent. So it was a bit harsh, but I was right, he had no right to say that when he cheated on me. He looked really and then just turned around running his hands through his hair and walking off, I just stood there, becoming shocked of what I had said.

Justin came up and hugged me, something I needed. 'Its okay, Gee' he whispered in my ear as tears poured out of my eyes. He walked me outside and just stared at me, I really didnt know what to do or say. 

'He really misses you' Justin shrugged, 'he tells us everyday'

'Why dont I believe you?' I smiled uncomfortably.

'Cause of how much of a jerk he was' Justin chuckled, 'he loves you so much though, I promised I wouldnt say anything but I have to tell you' 

'Tell me what?' I frowned, confused.

He came over and sat next to me and looked awkward 'Well, the other night when you left, I really didnt trust Kellin on his own, so the guys and I stayed at your appartment, well, just as we all went to bed Kellin decided he wanted to take a shower, well we all fell asleep, someone texted me like an hour later and I woke up, I noticed Kellin wasnt there so I looked around the appartment, I couldnt find him anywhere, I went to the bathroom and it was looked, I was shouting for Kellin and was getting no response so I had to break the door down, waking the others, he attempted drowning himself in the bath'

My heart just stopped and I just stared at Justin, the thought of Kellin dead was just something horrific that no matter how much I hated him, I would never want him dead.

'What happened after that?' I gulped.

'Well, I pulled him out of the bath, he was fully clothed, and performed CPR, being in the scouts actually paid off, anyway, well the other guys came running in just as he woke up, it was horrible, he was a mess, as long as Ive known him thats the worst he's ever been'

*** KELLIN'S POV ***

Sitting in the bus I couldnt help but hate myself. I was such a jerk and I kept making things worse, I was never gonna get Sage back at this rate. She really seemed to hate me, and I just ran off crying like a fool. All I wanted was Sage. All I wanted was for me to go back to this time last week, before I cheated, before we argued, before I fucked things up.

I looked outside and saw about 100 metres away Justin and Sage sitting on the sidewalk outside of the backstage door. I watched him put his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder, a rush of jealousy ran through me and I just wanted to punch a wall.

I made sure I looked okay and got out of the bus and opened the back where all the stuff went in as I could see Gabe, Jesse and Jack bringing it all out, Justin got up and went inside to get his stuff, I just gave him the cold shoulder, he told her what happened when they came round, I could tell by the way she looked at me when she walked inside the bus.

Your forever is all that I need (Kellin Quinn - Sleeping with Sirens) ON HOLD.Where stories live. Discover now