Chapter 6 - How cute.

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I stood, sighing and then walked outside. The room felt stuffy and I needed the cold air. You could hear the music from the club but the stars seemed more interesting, I was followed by a surprised looking Kellin.

I turned around to look at him, the moonlight was the only way I could see his face, and he really did look so beautiful. I couldnt believe this was the guy that had cheated on me, yet fallen for me. He was so perfect and cute. He hated cheaters, yet he made himself out to be a hypocrite.

'I kind of wonna bring up something I shouldn't' he sighed, crossing his arms awkwardly.

'Just go ahead' I said, looking down.

'I still love you, Sage' he began, 'Cheating on you was the biggest mistake of my life, I felt like I had to be dominant, I didnt even enjoy, I just freaked out and ran back to the tourbus and told Justin, he got so angry at me, Ive never seen him like it, and I hate myself for doing that all together, who knew a few minutes could ruin my life'

I really didnt know what to say. I didnt know if I could trust him again, he'd been such a dick lately, it seemed impossible. But I loved him, so so much.

I carried on looking down, 'I really didnt think you'd stoop so low' I sighed.

He took a few steps closer and cupped my chin, delicately pulling my chin up so we were looking at each, although I was unable to make eye contact.

'Sage' he whispered, 'I love you'

'Then why did you hurt me?' I whispered back, unable to look at him.

'You hurt me too' 

'Yours was like a thousand times worse though'

'And so was losing you, Im a fucking jerk, I know, but we're having a baby, Sage, thats gotta mean something'

'Maybe' I said, finally looking into his eyes, he was so beautiful, it hurt.

Then it happened, he lent in and kissed me. There werent fireworks, people clapping, we werent dressed in our favourite clothes, with our favourite song playing in the background, it wasnt a big kiss, it was just a peck. But it didnt need all that stuff, it was perfect.

The kiss ended and I carried on staring into his eyes, but was cut off by Justin shouting.

'Guys, you gotta come see this!' he shouted from the top of the grass field, we turned our necks to see him, signalling us to hurry.

We quickly ran towards him, he ran inside and we followed, there was a massive fight, Jesse was involved in it, he was shouting slurred words and going crazy, throwing punches, kicking, he was very obviously drunk. I;d never seen him so violent though.

'We've gotta stop this' I shouted to the guys, 'Jesse could get hurt, you have a set tomorrow!'

That second, the security guards came piling in as most of the people here where involved in this fight, kicking and screaming, putting their drunk minds into action. It was quite scary, I just didnt want Jesse to get hurt.

'We should probably go outside' Gabe said, 'its crazy in here'

Just as I turned around someone harshly pushed me forward and I collapsed to the floor, my hands stung from the force and I squinted in pain.

'Thanks a fucking bunch' I said, getting up.

'No problem, ginger bitch' the dude scoffed.

'Its red, get your eyes checked, freckles' I said, brushing my sides.

'Ginger! Ginger!' they chanted.

'Dont you fucking talk to her like that' Justin said, standing beside me with Jack.

'You cant tell me what to do' he said, taking a step closer.

'Funny that, I just did' Justin chuckled.

'Okay, smartass, you hear me, and you hear me good--' the guy began.

'No thanks' said Jack, forming a fist and punching the guy in the face, he fell backwards, cupping his jaw in pain.

At that moment Kellin and Gabe came over, frowning and the guy whining.

'Do we run?' asked Justin.

'I think we do' I said, there was a pause, then we all just legged it out of the building, down the field and into the bus, panting and stuff, followed by me throwing up.

 'Im gonna take an early night guys' I yawned, feeling so sicky and ill, 'What happened to Jesse?'

'He'll be home' Gabe yawned, 'can I sleep with you tonight Sage? Your bunks warmer, I dont mean that in a dirty way'

'Sure' I shrugged, laughing, 'Ill have to be on the outside though, unless you want sick on you in the night'

He laughed, 'Thanks Sage, you're a star'

I smiled as he climbed into my bottom, 'night guys, dont be up too late, early start tomorrow' I called.

'Cool story, mum!' called Justin, as I heard the PS3 starting up.

I walked over to him, wacked him over the head with a controller, smiled and then went into the bunk rooms, snuggling up next to Gabe.

'Guess what Justin told me tonight' he whispered, holding my hands under the covers.

'What?' I whispered back.

'You kissed Kellin' he almost squeaked, even though it was rather dark I could see his massive grin.

'Maybe' I giggled, whilst whispering.

'So are you back together now?' he asked.

'I dont know, we havent spoken since then but... If I tell you something you have to promise me you wont tell anyone okay?'

'Okay' he whispered.

'Im pregnant'

'Oh my God... wow, congratulations!' he said, hugging me, 'who knows?'

'You, Jack and Kellin' I sighed.

I fell asleep hugging Gabe, hes my huggable bear. I loved him, he was like a brother to me. All of Sleeping with Sirens (apart from Kellin, obviously) were like brothers to me. They were the family I lost, but better.

I woke up a few hurs later, I turned around so I was facing Kellins bunk, he was on his phone, facing towards me, when he noticed I was awake he put his phone away just stared into my eyes.

He pulled his arm out, reaching for mine and I did the same, so were holding hands.

'I love you Sage' he said softly.

'I love you too, Kellin'

Your forever is all that I need (Kellin Quinn - Sleeping with Sirens) ON HOLD.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat