A Rose of Blue

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I am currently in fluttershy's garden because I heard her talking about all the flowers, animals, and how peaceful it was. Recently she has been clawing out if her cage trying to get out and i thought it would be good to have some sort of peace. Of course they didn't trust me yet so I have to stay near fluttershy and rainbow dash is keeping a close eye on me.

Fluttershy was shy around me at first and her wings would flutter a little when she got scared, hence the name I think, but she is currently telling me things about her animals the plants here and her friends. From what I can gather of her friends, twilight is the element of magic, she is the element of kindness, applejack is the element of honesty, rarity is the element of generosity, pinkie/I am the element of laughter, and dash is the element if honesty.

I wonder how loyal dash would be too me? "STOP THAT, KEEP IT TOGETHER" I mentally berated myself. I must've said this out loud because I could here fluttershy whimpering. "Sorry, "I said "I'm having a dilemma and I didn't know I yelled out loud what I was thinking to myself." "What's your problem?" she asked. "Uhhhhh," I started blushing " I'd rather not talk about it." She didn't seem satisfied but didn't question any further. I feel like I can trust her enough to tell her something and have her not tell the others. " I want to tell you something," I said " but you can't tell the others. something came to mind. " pinkie promise" I said. She recited the promise and I told her that I think I might be in love with rainbow. She gasped at this and asked how can I tell.

I said that every time I see her I want to mess with her and wish we weren't on different sides, I want to know if she can be loyal to me and love me. This seemed good enough for fluttershy and she told me to wait here as she left. So as I waited I laid down and a tear fell, just one, I'll cut myself some slack because this is a emotional pain not a physical one.

Fluttershy came back carrying a blue rose in her mouth, she dropped it on the ground and said give this to her she might not get what it means but at least you know you did something. I thanked her and we walked back to the tree house. Rainbow was already there so I just gave her the rose and walked to my room, on the way I saw twilight staring at me knowing exactly what it meant.

My room consisted of a bed, a bookshelf with books of course, a window, and a lamp. The window was barred and enhanced with magic and so was the door. Twilight walked in with fluttershy walking behind her, fluttershy sat next to me and twilight sat across from us. " I want to know what happened while you guys were in the garden!" Twilight commanded. She looked at fluttershy expectantly, but she hid behind her hair all I said was that she pinkie promised not to tell, twilight a little startled by this said rather bluntly "you love rainbow dash, don't you?" I closed my eyes for a long time before answering yes.

She did something of a happy dance I think because she knew it was true. I said that she couldn't tell rainbow dash. She asked why and I replied because she doesn't feel the same and would use it as a way to hurt me. And with that I buried my face into my pillow as twilight and fluttershy( who was silent the whole time) watched me with pity, little did we know that there was a Certain someone listening to the whole thing.

I'm going to end the chapter here and I want to know who you guys think that someone is.

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