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Rainbowdash POV:
Pinki- I mean pinkamena has been acting strange lately and so has fluttershy, something is up and I intend to find out. I crept along the building of fluttershy's cottage and looked through the windows. I saw discord, pinkamena, and fluttershy discussing something. I moved to a closer window to hear better, luckily it was open, but what I heard made me gasp and three heads turned to face me.
Pinkamena's POV:
I was at fluttershy's begging her to help me. (Btw I don't know how long this was from discord's reformation so I'm guessing a couple of months) "please fluttershy help me, all I need is for you to call discord." I plead. "I don't like this and I don't feel it's right." She answered firmly. I heard a popping sound and discord appeared in my face, I screamed and jumped and held onto the chandelier. "I heard my name being said many times from this location. Has fluttershy invited you to a tea party?" He asked. "No I was asking her to get you." I replied. "Whatever f-" he was interrupted by fluttershy. "She wants you too make a potion to see if rainbow dash likes her back!" We heard a gasp and standing out the open window was rainbow dash.

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