Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

" What do you mean, more then one?" I screamed at Chloe and she let out a sigh. " I didn't know how to tell you without you freaking out."

I let out a cry of outrage as I threw my arms up in the air. " Like you are now." She added and I crossed my arms. " How many?"

" Including me, there are 6." She responded. " Each with our own range of abilities."

" How? How can there be 6 different entities living in my head?" I questioned and she let out a breath. " I can't tell you yet, not until the others are awake."

" What do you mean awake?"

" I mean, that I don't know. Each of us holds a piece of the truth, a piece that you have to find."

" And this voice that I keep hearing? The one that isn't yours?"

" It could be any of us, but I would have to hear her to be able to determine which."

" Shes real snarky." I offered and Chloe smirked before a knock sounded on the door, and we turned to find Frigga. " The healers say that it will be a few days before your able to leave."

" Great, plenty of time for a library search." I grinned while Chloe looked like she wanted to cry. " Perhaps you could ask for Ms. Foster's help, I'm sure she would enjoy learning more about our world."

" Who?" Chloe and I asked at the same time.

" Oh. I thought you would have recognized her name from the memories of my son."

" Wait, are you talking about Jane Foster?" I asked


" Aria." Thor greeted as I approached him, Chloe not far behind me, but she seemed to freeze when she saw the dark haired women beside him. " Mother said you collapsed, are you well?"

" I'm fine now, I was just tired." I told him and Chloe gave me a look before turning to Thor. " What she means to say, is that her powers are growing at a rate that not even she could prepare for."

" Oh, are we still calling them mine?" I asked, still aggravated with her.

" I'm sorry, whats going on here?" Jane asked.

" Aria Stone, holder of infinite power, nice to meet you." I said dramatically before motioning to Chloe. " This is Chloe, my more rebellious mental companion, who has recently informed me that shes not alone in my head."

" I said I was sorry." Chloe reminded and I turned on her. " That doesn't change the fact that I had the right to know that I had 6 different entities living in my mind."

" Guess I'm not alone on this roller coaster." Jane whispered to Thor, who smiled at her as he placed a comforting hand on her back. " We will find a way to remove it, Jane. I swear."

" What exactly is it?" I asked noticing the red glow in her arms.

" Father called it the Aether." Thor told me and Chloe stepped closer. " Can I?" She asked before carefully lifting Jane's arm, she studied it for a moment before her expression turned grim and she let go.

" Chloe?" I questioned when she didn't say anything and she let out a sigh. " Are you sure that you want to know the truth, Aria? About where you came from?" She asked. " Because I just found what caused you to pass out."

" I'm not following." I said.

" Yeah, could you clue us in too, please?" Jane suggested.

" The Aether, as you call it, is the next piece of the puzzle." Then with a grin, she added." Aria, are you ready to meet our snarky new friend?"

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