Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

" Come on, Aria, come to mommy." I heard my mother call out and I looked up at her from where I lie. I stretched my small hands out to her and she smiled, holding out her own arms. " Come on, Aria." Instead of crawling like a normal child would, I teleported. She let out a sigh but picked me up anyway. I wasn't a normal baby, my mother knew that, but she still loved me no matter what.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself floating in a dark space, and I groaned as my head throbbed and spun. Jami and I had never used that much power like that, but from my current situation, I wasn't so sure that it had worked. I couldn't feel the others, and that only happened when I was really drained. A figure appeared at the edge of my vision and I flinched as I found myself tilting up ward. " Your attempt was heroic but useless in your current state. Without the power of all 6 stones your barely at half power."

" If your going to kill me, then do it." I snapped and he chuckled. " No. Killing you would defeat the purpose of finding the stones. However.." He trailed off raising his gauntlet, and I let out a cry as the two stones began to glow. My screams were echoed by those of Jami and Chloe, the pain seemed to go on forever. Thanos got tired of it after a while, and left me hanging in midair, my breathing was shallow as I fought to stay awake.

" When that traitorous God of mischief discovered you on Earth, I wondered how it could have been possible. Then, I witnessed you first hand through his eyes, and my curiosity grew, a human child gifted with the ability to channel and harness the power of an infinity stone. I ordered your capture, believing it to be a simple task, until I was informed that your powers had grown beyond anything the universe had ever seen. I realized then who you were, Aria Stone."

He turned as if listening to something before he faced me. " Looks like we'll have to continue this conversation later." He told me and I found myself tilting backwards once more as I was left alone to my own thoughts. I closed my eyes as the memory surfaced again and a tear trailed down my cheek.

I was sitting on the floor with a bunch of building blocks, when my eyes spotted the aby bottle on the table across the room, to high for someone my size to reach on my own. I stared at it for a moment before putting the block down, and reaching out toward the bottle. It slid slightly toward the edge, before falling off and onto the floor. Having heard the noise, my parents came running, only to freeze in the doorway as they watched me crawl across the floor toward it. My mother held in a gasp at the sight and my father hugged her as she began cry happily.

I was to young to understand why my mother was crying, but now years later, I understood why. My mother had cried that day, because she had been given the hope that I could grow up normally, if given the time to learn.

It seemed like hours had passed as I floated in the darkness, before Thanos returned, and he wasn't alone. A familiar girl with green skin was with him. " Gamora." I muttered before I noticed the red stone that now adorned Thanos' gauntlet, the reality stone. I hadn't seen it since Maliketh had gotten away with it during the fight in the dark world. " You best be right about this, daughter." Thanos said as the force holding me up was released and I dropped to the ground. Gamora looped my arm over her shoulders as she supported me and she glared at Thanos. " The stone is on Vorimir. I swear. "

" It's time. " I heard Chloe whisper weakly and I frowned as I followed after Thanos with Gamora's aid.


I pulled away from Gamora as we started up hill and she frowned. " I'm good." I said, limping up the mountain ahead of her and Thanos, as Chloe and the others began to appear.

" I can feel it. The soul stone." Chloe said looking back at me as we got closer and I frowned. " I don't feel anything." I muttered.

" Because you haven't been near it since the beginning." Marley told me.

" It's understandable not to feel it yet. " Jami assured.

" The soul stone will be your power alone." Avery said.

" If your willing to accept the cost." Chloe called out, appearing further up the path beneath an archway. " I've come this far.." I sighed, talking more to myself then to them. When we reached the archway, a shadowy figure appeared. " Welcome, Thanos, son of Alars. Gamora, daughter of Thanos." The figure greeted and a chill went down my spin as he turned on me and the others, nodding to each of us in turn. " Chloe, Dahlia, Jami, Marley, and Avery, vessels of the infinity stones' power. "

" About time we got noticed. " Dahlia grumbled and Chloe elbowed her with a muttering of, " Shut up."

" You know us?" Thanos questioned.

" It is my curse to know all who journey here, and the infinite one's arrival was foretold." He responded and I looked to Chloe nodded.

" Where is the soul stone?" Thanos asked.

" You should know, it extracts a terrible price."

" I am prepared. " Thanos told him and the figure drifted to the ground. " We al think that at first.  We are all wrong." He revealed his face and my eyes widened, having seen his face before in Steve's memory. He led us to a pair of pillars on the cliff and I looked up in shock, before looking over as Thanos asked. " How is it you know this place so well?"

" A lifetime ago, I, too, sought the stones. I even held one in my hand. But it cast me out, banished me here. Guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess." He explained leading us to the cliff. " What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear."

" What's this?" Gamora asked

" The price. Soul holds a special place among the infinity Stones. You might say it has a certain wisdom."

" Tell me what it needs."

" To ensure that whoever possesses it...understands its power...the stone demands a sacrifice."

" Of what?" I asked looking at him, my face pale. Fearing the answer.

" In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul...for a soul."

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