If you read my previous authors notes or getting to know the author before I took it back off and your aware of my constant boy problems that usually are that they don't like me back, well part of my recent absence was because I stumbled into a relationship which is really a funny story. I have been friends with this boy since 8th grade and we were fake married for a project in my social studies class and after the project we never fake divorced so we were fake married an entire year jokingly (to me anyway) but at the end of that year we dated for about two weeks and I broke up with him via letter because I wasn't allowed to date and wasn't ready for a relationship. So he's in my advisement and on the day of the homecoming football game my school doesn't do classes we just do challenges with out advisements, well at the end of the day as we were getting ready for the pep rally I asked my friend if he was going to homecoming like so I could hang out with him if he was not in anyway asking him to be my date... well he thought I was and I was like ah I wanted a date anyway sure I'll go with him. So he's following me around at the football game and someone we're both friends with asks if we're dating and he says yes... boy you didn't ever ask me about that. I wasn't in the mood to complain so I rolled with it, I'd been thinking it was a great way for people to not pester me about my other friend who's a boy so I was like hey why not what's the worst that could happen? So my dad sees him with me and tells me to stay away from boys and asked who he was I just said my friend (his name) and he was like okay. So I show up at the dance Saturday (it was short notice so I didn't take pictures with him beforehand we didn't even exchange numbers so that was cool). But he had me flowers and I got my Spanish teacher to watch them for me and we just had a great time ya know but Beautiful Crazy comes on which if you don't know it it's by Luke Combs and it's so good, point is I wanted to slow dance to it but he tried to tell me he didn't know how (he did that's lie number 1, red flag number I stopped counting). I talked him into dancing and he tried to teach me which was a task I'm clumsy. So I had to leave at around 11 and his mama was already waiting on him so we leave, and the next day he calls and asks if I want to go to a baptism with him, like buddy it took enough to even let me live after I came home with flowers last night!!! So ask and since apparently aliens abducted my dad he said yes and off I went and I had fun, but about three weeks later (after a lot of nothing) I'm walking to second period and I pass the vice principles office and who do I see sitting there being lectured? MY BOYFRIEND. So I'm like oh shoot I thought it was bad enough he was failing at least one class and my mom was mad enough about that. I asked everyone I could didn't hear a thing until like 8 that night when I heard something about him having a vape and being searched only for him to lie about having it. I'm super like stuck upish about smoking or anything like it because I've had to watch my grandpa die of lung cancer at 60 so I was like there's no way, not my boyfriend someone's lying. The only person lying was him the dumbness had been vaping on the bus and got caught, his actions reflected me because we WERE dating but like that happened on a Thursday I believe, I broke up with him that following Saturday at like 1:40 am and I'm pretty sure he was texting me from his moms phone... but yeah I had a lot going on with that whole thing but it's over and I'm never doing that again. Sorry to ramble I needed to get it out but I've still never been kissed so that's cool lol.

If you read all that you're a saint and thank you for putting up with my incoherent ramblings about boy problems. I'm gonna try to wrap this book up in the next 1-2 chapters.

Love y'all forever and always

Ps here's some hoco pictures

(I cropped my date out because I'm like that and I'm still upset with him)

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(I cropped my date out because I'm like that and I'm still upset with him)

(I wore my converse because I couldn't be bothered to by heels I'd take off after five minutes and never wear again and my date was like 4/5 inches taller than me and that wouldn't have been cool of me as a 5'8 girl)

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(I wore my converse because I couldn't be bothered to by heels I'd take off after five minutes and never wear again and my date was like 4/5 inches taller than me and that wouldn't have been cool of me as a 5'8 girl)

Georgia |Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now