Mr. Wang smiles. A genuine smile.

"Come sit." Mr. Wang pats his hand beside him on the bench.

I oblige, and sit beside him.

"Woah! It's even prettier here!" The view from this angle is even more captivating.

Mr. Wang chuckles.

"I never knew the sky could turn pink." I admit.

"Of course you didn't." Mr. Wang says.

"What is that supposed to mean master?" I pout. He makes it seem like I don't know anything.

I just don't know much things.

"When the sky turns pink, the ocean turns pink too."

"Why does the ocean turn pink? It's blue right? A sea of pink is a sea of pepto bismol. Yuck." Ew just the thought of that makes me gag.

"The ocean isn't blue Mr. Tuan. It's clear, transparent." Mr. Wang explains.

"Really? But why is it blue?"

"It's too complicated for you to understand."

"Well why does the ocean turn into pepto bismol?" I ask.

"The ocean reflects the sun's light, turning it pink."

"Ohhh. So the ocean reflects the sky turning it blue?" I muse.

"No, but nice try. Like I said it's way more complicated." Mr. Wang smiles.

"Master, you're smart."

"Am I? I guess I know some stuff." Mr. Wang shrugs.

"You know a lot of stuff. You're a genius!  When I was cleaning your office I saw all the paperwork you had. Some of them looked really complicated but you finished none the less. And you have two bachelor degrees from college!" I didn't even go to college.

"I'm not that smart. I just get shit done." Mr. Wang shrugs again.

"Yah! Master! Take some praise for once. You're always beating yourself down. Take my compliment and be happy with it." I for once in my life, scold someone.

Woah. Feels awesome.

Mr. Wang laughs and ruffles my hair.

"Sure. I guess I am smart."

"Yay!" I cheer.

Mr. Wang and I watch the sunset until it disappears into the abyss. The moon takes the sun's place and illuminates the night sky.

"It's so pretty tonight." I stare at the full moon.

Mr. Wang hums in agreement.

"Master? Where's your mother?" I just realized that Mrs. Wang hasn't been around.

"She went out. She won't be back until tomorrow." Mr. Wang informs me.

"REALLY?" I instantly cover my mouth when Mr. Wang looks at my with a stank eye.

"Are you happy that she's gone?" Mr. Wang asks.

"No. I miss her dearly." I lie.

Mr. Wang laughs.

"You're a terrible liar."

"I'm so sorry master. I like your mother but-"

"She's too much. Trust me I know." Mr. Wang finished for me.

"Yeah. Is she always like that?" I ask curiously.

"No. Ever since I turned 18 she's been trying to get me married. Hence why she acts so extra when she visits."


"That's like dating right?" I ask.

"You don't know what married means?" Mr. Wang looks at me appalled.

"No...what does it mean?" I laugh nervously.

"Please tell me you know what dating is."

"I know that! My friend Jinyoung told me about that." I smile.

"Marriage is when two people who love each other legally become partners for the rest of their lives or until they divorce."

"Who love each other? Mommy and daddy?" I ask.

"Did they both have your last name?"

"Yep! Dorine and Raymond Tuan!" I miss mommy and daddy.

"Then yes, they were married."

"Ohh. If you have the same last name but you're not family, that means you're married?" I conclude.

"Correct. Look at you actually understanding something." Mr. Wang smiles.

I giggle.

Yay! I got something right!

"So your mom wants you to get married?"

"Yep." Mr. Wang sighs.

"Well I'm sure you'll find the perfect bride master!" I reassure Mr. Wang.

"I'm sure I will." The way Mr. Wang looks at me, I can't tell what he's feeling.

"If I may ask master, how old are you? You said since you were 18 and I know you aren't 18 so-"

"I'm 27." Mr. Wang answers before I can finish.

Oh! He's older than me.

"10 years? Your mother is determined."

"She sure is."

"Do I have to call you master hyung?" I ask after a comfortable silence.

"Does that even sound right? Just call me master." Mr. Wang opposes the idea.

"It doesn't sound that bad. Master hyung. Master hyung. Hyung master. Master that is a hyung. Hyung that is my master."

"Mr. Tuan, if you don't shut up." Mr. Wang glares at me.

"Sorry master." I bow.

"Alright, let's go inside. It's getting chilly out here." Mr. Wang holds out his hand.

I grab his warm hand and he pulls me up.

I start to giggle.

"What's so funny?" Mr. Wang asks.

"I'm just happy."

"You're always happy."

"True, but I'm extra happy." I bounce on my feet.


I look into Mr. Wang's eyes.

"Because we got to spend some time together. I like when it's just the two of us." I squeeze Mr. Wang's hand.

Mr. Wang's lips slowly form a smile.

"I like it too." Mr. Wang squeezes my hand back.

I don't know why, but my heartbeat starts to increase.

Mr. Wang and I smile at each other.

"Come on." Mr. Wang says and we walk hand in hand back into the house.

I'm soft:')
Thanks for reading!

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