Continuation of Description

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How would they be toxic to each other?  SIMPLE!!!~

Matt is a narcissist which would lead him to neglect his other in trade for himself. He would probably only pay attention to the other when praised. That type of treatment could  probably lead to the other getting depressed and since Matt is dull and rarely pays attention to others, their depression would continue and probably get  drastically worse.

Edd is probably too pure to bare breaking the other's heart so he would just suppress his true feelings and bare the neglect/abuse and go on living with it unless the other broke the tie.

Tom is an alcoholic who is probably a bit mental due to having a pile of bricks smash on top of him his former acquaintance murdering an innocent neighbor (Jon). I think that explains it enough.

Eduardo is just a fucking passive-aggressive prick. That should be enough said.

Tord I'm saving for  show, not tell. HeheheheHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAH- I'll stop

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