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The Weak can never forgive. Forgivness is the attribute of the strong.

Doctor: You will be fine it's just a broken nose it will heal, you have an appoinment next Thursday at 8am here is your prescription..just some atibiotics and  pain medication.

Skin: Thank you doctor!

Doctor: You are welcome my dear..

Skin was in the hospital being treated for her broken nose, while Erica was in jail awaiting bail. This is really messy and there is no one to blame but Cyn..yes Erica lost her temper, but who wouldn't in a  situation like that. I wonder if she can find away to fix this, or did she loose Erica for good.

Erica: Hey Rich i need your help, i need you to come bail me out i'm in jail..

Rich: I am surprise you called me what happened?

Erica: Look i can't explain now will you do it or not?

Rich: Yeah sure no problem..i am leaving out now.

Erica: Thanks i owe you one!

I am surprise Erica called Rich, a mean i thought she would hit up her bff Albee..everyone is walking on a crooked line here.

Cyn: Hey i am here to bail out Erica Mena..

Police Officer: Ok please fill out this form and have a seat over there.

Cyn: Ok Thanks.

Well Cyn filled out the form and bailed Erica out..

Police Officer: Erica Mena  you are free to go..

The officer had a large bunch of keys swinging around on his fingers, he pulled the cell door and Erica walked out, she looked like crap it's only been a few hours and it looked as if she was in there for of the cell mates winked at her while she stepped out into the free world.."Hey that tight ass of yours would be mine tonight hurry up and come back, mama is here waiting for you" a mean this girl looked thirsty, Erica was releaved that she wasn't going to spend a night in there, she lucky it wasn't on the weekend or her ass would have been served. Well Erica thought Rich had came to bail her out but she will soon realize that it was infact Cyn..

Cyn: Baby ohh my are you ok..?

Erica: What the hell are you doing here..where is Rich?

Cyn: Rich why you asking for that nigga..

Erica: I called him to bail me out..look why are you even here Cyn, i want nothing to do with your lieing ass i thought i made that clear.

Cyn looked so hurt, but she deserved it...a mean what did she expect Erica would just forgive her because she bailed her out, she must be dreaming.

Erica: Look i don't know what kind of games you are playing, but i am so over know the fucking mess you have put me in, when  the media gets a hold of this shit i can't believe you Cynthia... look how much did it cost you to get me out, i just want to repay you and be done with this shit..

Cyn: No you don't owe me anything Erica..and please do not leave me baby  i am so sorry we can get through this, i know i fucked up big time..i blame myself but i love you Erica just give me a chance to show you.

Erica: You had your chance Cyn, look i just need to get out of this place...i will send you a cheque it's your choice if you want to cash it, and please do not mention the word love to me. 

Cyn: So you just going to give up on us..

Erica: There is no US, now excuse me i need to go home...

Cyn Santana and Erica Mena (LOVE IS ENOUGH)Where stories live. Discover now