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It's one thing to fall in love. It's another to feel someone else fall in love with you, and to feel a responsibility toward that love. -Everyday by David Levithan

Cyn: Hello..

Erica: Hey babes Good Morning

Cyn: Morning Erica!

Erica: Baby I  couldn't sleep lastnight, i am just so distraught over the whole situation ..please we need to really sit down and talk things through so we can move pass this..i am sorry for how i reacted lastnight i was just very hurt and confuse, would you meet up with me today?

Cyn: Look i must be honest..yeah i messed up by lieing to you about getting a pedicure and not telling you the truth about what i was actually doing, but the way you acted a mean it really scared me we are two grown women and we cannot have a civil conversation when we are having a disagreement, that is not good especially so early in a relationship..couple weeks ago it was Rich and now this, maybe we jumped into this too fast Erica..

Erica: Cyn please don't talk like that i love you and we both handled the situation badly, but do not doubt our relationship nor my love for you please..just meet up with me today i will take you to Chipotle.

Cyn: lol Mena really! you think because i love Chipotle you taking me there will make me jump for joy..i will meet up with you but not there i will choose the place ok,...wait hold on let me take this beep.

Cyn: Hello..

Skin: Hey Good Morning it's  Skin how are you?

Cyn:Ohh hell no i should just disconnect her and block her number..she is the one that got me in trouble with Erica..well sort of idk i'm just fustrated right now.

Skin: Hello are you still there?

Cyn: Yeah sorry for that i pressed mute by mistake..hey i am on another call hold on i will end the call so don't hang up. 

Skin: Ok no problem..

Cyn: Hey Erica..

Erica: I was just about to hang up..i hate when people put me on hold, i rather you had just said you would call me back.

Cyn: Ok then well i will call you back later..

Erica: Really! look i have to shoot L&HH in a few, so can i get your answer..

Cyn: What was the question..?

Erica: Cyn you just know how to pull my leg don't you awh boi..yes or no can we meet up later..

Cyn: Ok yes fine we can meet up at Prospect Park around 4 cool

Erica: Yeah ok..you can go back to your other party now.

Cyn: HUh!

Erica: The other caller you have waiting omg..you are bugging out clearly your mind is occupied and i don't think i am the one occupying it, but whatever i'll see you later bye.

Erica was right.. Cyn mind was wondering, but not on her this girl Skin Diamond is causing trouble already Cyn needs to cut her off  before she loose her girlfriend. 

Cyn: Hey Skin sorry about that..my girlfriend was on the other line

Skin: Ohh ..i don't want to be intrusive, but is everything alright you sound a little angry..

Cyn: Well to be honest we had an arguement last night, so things are a bit tense between us.

Skin: I am sorry to hear that, it is just lovers quarrel you will work it out..I would like to take you out today for that drink are you available?

Cyn Santana and Erica Mena (LOVE IS ENOUGH)Where stories live. Discover now