Trust & Betrayal

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No loneliness is lonelier than distrust. Intimate betreyal-abuse, infidelity,deciet, finacial manipulation-fractures the ability to trust anyone who gets close to us, including friends, relatives, even our children. Yet human need to trust persists, creating an internal storm of wanting to trust while being terrified of it. Blind trust puts faith in someone without regard to demonstrated reliability or trustworthiness. it's more a reluctance to experience the doubt, and loneliness of the other person's better qualities. In recognition that we are all frail creatures capable of betrayal in weaker moments. Realistically, it's possible that any of us could betray a loved one.


Erica: Well i enjoy every moment i get to spend with my son, he is my rock and the reason i fight to keep living in this crazy ass world. I don't regret coming down here even though i miss Cyn, i always know that  family comes first, i tried talking to my dad about his drinking and he promised me he would stop..he said he wants to be around to see king grow up and to walk me down the aisle, that made me very happy cause i really love my dad...Well it's time for me to leave Miami and i am really worried about meeting Cyn, i feel the need to do something very special for her to show just how much i love and appreciate her, and how sorry i am. 

Leaving Miami...

Come here sweetheart, come give mommy a kiss..

King went over to his mom and gave her a big hug 

King: Mom i wish you could stay longer, i am going to really miss you!

Erica: ohhh hunnie i'm going to miss you more, look i will be back home before you know it..just promise me you'll be a good boy while i'm away.

King: Yes mom i promise.

Erica: Ok baby, your Aunt Maria is going to come over today and she is bringing Andrew so you guys can have some fun together.

King had a huge smile on his face he loved his Aunt,  she is always giving him cookies and treats, she is never the one to say no, and which kid wouldn't like a person like that. Andrew who is Maria's son is King's favourite cousin they are only 6 months apart, and they always enjoy each others company..Erica was pleased because she knew she was leaving her son in good hands, that gave her a peace of mind everytime she had to leave home.

At the airport...

Erica:  Let me call my girl Albee...

Albee: Hey boo, how are you?

Erica: hey hun i am good, i'm at the airport just about to leave Miami..look i need a favour.

Albee: Anything for you you want me to take out a bitch for you just tell me her name

Erica: Omg girl you really know how to crack me up, look miss crazy as you know Cyn and i are going through a little rough patch right now and i am at fault.

Albee: hmmm if you had only kept your lips to yourself girl!!!

Erica: Al please just listen for a sec, haven't you punished me enough with that.

Albee: Sorry girl i'm all know i just love messing with you.

Erica: Ok well Cyn has agreed to talk things over when i get back to New York, but i think i need to show her just how sorry i am, i know she loves i was planning on taking her out to a nice restaurant and have the waiter bring out her favourite Chipotle dish  i know she will love that...

Cyn Santana and Erica Mena (LOVE IS ENOUGH)Where stories live. Discover now