Skin Deep

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Erica: Cyn Santana don't play dumb! I clearly heard  you said "That's beautiful Skin" so what i'm going fucking crazy now...i am hearing things.

Cyn: Babes forget it..i was in a trance i don't even know what i said or what you heard, just..

Erica: Just, just what Cyn...a be spilling ma heart out to you and your mind is somewhere else..and what the fuck u talking about you were in a trance, was i talking in tongues or working a spell I THINK NOT. Skin sounds like a damn know what i think it's time to stop working at that Strip are better than that now

Cyn: Hold Up for a minute!! Look i am not going to take your disrepect ok...and how u mean i'm better than that now, because i'm with you, is that what you trying to say..come on Mena enlighten me please.

Erica: You know what Cyn i'm done talking cause i may do or say something that i will regret later...go back in your trance to Skin..laying there taking me for a damn fool..bout Trance, trance my ass girl you think i was born yesterday.

Cyn: Erica you know what i'm going to leave your place..cause you think you are the only one with a foul mouth, You the one who betrayed me with Rich..

Erica: Do not go there said you've forgiven me so why you bringing up that shit..look you know what i agree you should leave, i don't want to be in the same space with you now.

Cyn: Well Bitch get off this planet! 

These girls were heated...Cyn got out of Erica's bed and started to get dress, Erica was pacing around the room mumbling about  how Cyn thinks she is crazy..Cyn went over to take her bag that contained the sex toys, she grabbed it in a rage and tore the bag..the vibrator and dildo fell right at Erica's feet, Erica looked down and saw the strap-on dildo and froze.

Cyn: Like seriously this cannot be happening, i can't get a break in this relationship there is always drama..yeah i know i was wrong to be thinking about Skin let alone call out her name, but i think this just showed me the type of person Erica truly is, cause i can't believe how she is blowing up and disrespecting me. (Ohh fuck why did this bag have to burst, you know what i am just going to pick them up i am not explaining shit to her)

Cyn stooped down and took up the dildo while Erica was just standing there in silence..which was a first. She saw that apart of the rabbit ears was broken sad! Cyn didn't care about that at all she wanted was to leave...Erica finally broke her silence.

Erica: Cyn what are those? a mean a i know what they are, but what you doing with them..

Cyn wasn't responding she took up her handbag and stuffed the toys in..and was about to head out the bedroom door, but Erica grabbed her

Cyn: Let go off my hand Erica don't touch me..

Erica: Calm your ass down Cyn, what you doing with those sex toys.

Cyn: I am not obligated to answer your would you let me go you're hurting my arm.

Erica released Cyn's arm which were now a litle bruised, she went infront of Cyn and locked the door and held the key tightly in her hand.

Erica: You are not going anywhere till you tell me what's going on, so if you want to leave tell me the truth or use your super human powers to walk through that door.

Cyn: You know you are really pissing me off and testing my faith Erica..and i do not want to show you the dark side of me. Couple minutes ago you agreed that i should leave, now you locking me in your room...the sex toys are for me i bought them today.

Cyn Santana and Erica Mena (LOVE IS ENOUGH)Where stories live. Discover now