Chapter 19

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By the time the sport's festival had officially ended he'd been in bed trying to sleep the stress of the day away. Eraserhead and the blood hero had dropped him off and had stayed for a cup of tea and to make sure that he was alright. They had told him to take the rest of the week off if he needed it and if he needed more time to just call. 

While he was desperate for a nap, his mind wouldn't stop running over time. Thinking of how he'd destroyed his friendship with Hitoshi, let his other friends down, and ruined everything. A small rational part of his brain told him that he hadn't ruined anything but it was basically a whisper in the overbearing negativity in his mind.

He raised his head at the soft knock on his door and watched as the door slowly opened and his mother entered. "Hey sweetie, I know it's been a hard day. Is there anything you want for dinner?"

The normalcy of the question dulled the pounding in his mind but not enough think of an answer, so he shrugged. 

"How about Katsudon then? We can eat in front of the tv and watch a movie." Her suggestion sounded as good as any at the moment so he nodded. "Okay then I'll come back when dinner is ready."

He really did love his mother, she was the best mum he could've asked for. Though he wanted to know what happened after he left the sports festival. It was obvious him mum would've taped it, the question was if the recording continued even after he left. If it didn't he might have to wait till videos were released on the internet.

Even then would his mother mind if he watched. Unfortunately he wasn't sure he'd be allowed or if watching would cause more... problems.

His thinking made him lose track of time without realising it till his mum knocked on the door to tell him dinner was ready. Following behind, his blanket was wrapped around his shoulders and trailed along the ground behind him.

Once sat on the couch, the coffee table was brought forward and two bowls of pork katsudon were placed on it. He watched his mother pick out one of his favourite movies as a kid, The Incredibles. It was a pretty old movie; one that came out when quirkless people still out numbered the quirked. However the movie was a classic with great plot and characters.

He leaned back and ate slowly, engrossed in the animated movie. Unfortunately he'd fallen asleep near the end of the film, katsudon only half finished, and unaware of him mum laying him down on the couch and tucking another blanket around him.

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