Part 9

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Eddies face was covered in blood and was still bleeding. His normal sandy blond hair was now covered in blood. Eddie hasn't said a word since arriving but would occasionally groan. Joy handed Victor the first aid kit and Victor immediately dumped the contents on the floor. He grabbed out a thick cloth and held it to a major cut on Eddies head. Victor needed someone to hold something to Eddies leg so it would stop bleeding. Victor said someone make yourself useful. Jerome ran over and Victor handed him a cloth and said hold this to the cut on his leg and apply some pressure we need it to stop bleeding.

Everyone was silent as Victor and Jerome tried to get Eddies wounds to stop bleeding. There was a loud groan and Victor said Eddie are you okay. Eddie slightly smiled but then his face twisted into a look of pain and he said it hurts. Victor rubbed Eddies shoulder and said I know. Everyone looked confused about how Victor was acting with Eddie. He was acting protectively and no one had ever seen him actually be that nice. Victor asked Eddie where it hurt but Eddie had passed out and didn't respond.

Victor lifted the cloth he was holding on Eddies head. It was still bleeding but it had slowed down a lot. He looked at Jerome and said is it still bleeding. Jerome said no it's stopped now. Victor chucked him a roll of bandage and said do you know how to tie it up properly. Jerome said yes and began tying up Eddies leg.

Most of the Anubis residents were in entry area and on the stairs. Jerome finished tying up Eddies leg and asked Victor if he needed him to do anything else. Victor said you can leave. Jerome left shutting the doors behind him and everyone sleepily looked at him and Mara asked why'd you shut them. Jerome then said because it felt rude us all looking through the doors when Victors trying to help Eddie. Everyone understood and Jerome took a seat on the stairs like everyone else who was already sitting on them.

Eddie groaned and Victor asked are you alright Eddie. Eddie murmured something unrecognisable. Victor asked where's it hurt. Eddie responded my head. Victor says you'll be okay soon. Victor checks to see if he's head is still bleeding which it is. Victor grabs a new cloth and places it over Eddies head. Eddie says why would he do that to me. Victor sighed as he didn't know how to answer that and then said I don't know I really don't. Eddie then said your a better father than him I wish you were my father.

Eddie soon fell unconscious again. Victor checked to see if his head was still bleeding. Finally the bleeding has stopped. He went over to the stairs and said he's unconscious but the bleeding has finally stopped. He then said you can go and see him though please don't wake him. They all quietly got up and went into the lounge room. Victor meanwhile went and and found some food for everyone to eat as Trudy went on leave for a weeks yesterday. He carried the food to the table and went over and said after you eat you are to head straight to bed.

Eddie was laid across the couch and Victor pulled a chair close to him and sat down. Soon everyone had taken some food and headed off to bed except for Jerome. He went up and asked did hid father do this to him. Victor sighed and said yes I'm afraid he did. Jerome left and said Hope you get better soon Eddie.

Victor looked at the boy laid in front of him. Victor had always cared for the Anubis residents even if he didn't show it. If anyone of them got hurt he would act the same. Victor stayed awake all night watching over Eddie as he laid unconscious on the couch making sure he was okay.

Eddie awoke the next morning with a enormous pain in his head and sore leg. He sat up and held his head. He began remembering yesterday's events and how his dad hurt him and left him lying on the ground. Eddie took out his phone and took a photo of himself. He looked at the photo. His hair was stained red with blood and there was bearly a spot on his face not covered with blood.

Patricia and Fabian walked in the room. They dropped their things and ran over to Eddie once they saw him sitting up. Eddie said hey guys in a light voice. Patricia hugged him and said I was so worried. Fabian asked what happened and Eddie said get everyone and I will explain. Moments later Fabian had got everyone and they all crowded around Eddie.

Eddie said, my father abuses me. Tears ran down Eddies face. It hurt Eddie to have to say it out loud he hoped it would never get this far. Just then Victor walked in the room and said leave the poor boy alone now and head off to school. Everyone got up and began walking to school. Everyone was silent and then Jerome said if I ever get my hands on Eddies father. Mara said how would someone have the Audacity to do that his father must be a pure monster.

Then Joy said let give him a party when we get home I'm sure he needs something to lift his spirits. Everyone agreed that they should have a party. They organized a party that everyone was sure Eddie would love.

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