"By the power invested in me, I know pronounce you as husband and husband. Luke you may now kiss your husband!" The preacher says as he smiles down at the two of them.

"Ready?" Luke asks.

"Ready." Harry smiles at him as he wraps his arms around Luke's neck and Luke pulls him close to him, kissing him passionately as the boys of both of their bands plus Ariana, Gemma and Luke's family cheered and clapped for the newly wed couple.

Luke pulled away from the kiss and he looked into Harry's eyes. "I love you, Harry Hemmings."

Harry blushed lightly as he looks up at Luke. "And I love you, Luke Hemmings."

*At the wedding reception*

"Hey, um, I would like to say a few words on behalf of Harold's wedding." Louis smiled. "Since the day that I was put into the same band he looked a nice bloke." He laughed. "That's until I got to know him." Louis shook his head earning quiet laughter from the crowd. "But anyways, Harry became like a little brother to me. So I always watch out for him but Luke took that job away from me." He rolled his eyes playfully. "But I'm happy he did because he makes my little Harry happy. So raise your glasses for the lovely couple!" Louis exclaimed.

"Harry isn't even my best friend." Niall says bluntly as Harry heard a few gasps from the crowd. Niall smiled and shook his head. "Harry is my brother. Another brother to me that I never had." He smiled with a tear escaping his eye. "So it makes me extremely happy to see that he has found love and just to see them happy together makes me happy, so I wish the best for you two." Niall smiled. "Oh and I want you two to name your second born Niall." He smiled lifting his glass. "Cheers."

"Harry, he's umm, he's a brother to me, so yeah." Liam said awkwardly. Harry smiled as he leaned into Luke whispering something into his ear. Liam nervously scratched his neck. "I am happy that um he and Luke are together. Since the moment I saw them lock eyes I knew that they would end up together." He said getting more comfortable with his speech. "So it brings me joy to see them together with soon to be Luke and Harry babies roaming around." He lifted his wine glass and smiled. "I love you man. A toast for the couple!" Liam cheered as tears escaped Harry's eyes.

"Harry what can I say, he's like a brother to me." Zayn said motioning towards the other boys. "He's a funny, adorable, sensitive little lad." He smiled. "And I'm very happy that he found Luke because they balance out each other and nothing makes the boys and I happier than to see our brother happy so let's toast to these two." Zayn said as a tear streamed down his cheek while Harry was full on crying.

Ariana got up from her seat, stealing the microphone and talking the last sip of champagne, getting out the paper that she had in her hands to prepare for the speech. She cleared her throat and had everyone's attention before making her thrilling speech, hoping to embarrass Harry even just a little bit.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome all friends and family to Harry and Luke's wedding. I am Ariana Styles, Harry's younger sister, and I've been given lots and lots of advice on what not to say in this speech so I won't get in trouble but after 17 years of living with Harry, I have never spoken without being disagreed to miss. MY SPEECH... MY RULES!" She introduces as everyone laughs.

"Today I must admit that I am the proudest sister in the world. This is the part where I should share some embarrassing stories about Harry but I think he knows more gossip about me that he learnt in the time where he worked with the band throughout his lifetime, sad really. So for my own safety and pride, I decided to call it a truce. You do look absolutely stunning Haz and you have matured and grown into a handsome young man and both me and Gem are very proud of you. And mum and dad would be as well if they were here with us." She stated.

"As I was saying, there are two things that me and Gemma as siblings give out to you Harold, Boots and Wings. Haz. you have now grown your own wings and fled the nest and with Luke's help, the roots of the finally you came from will continue to flourish. Luke, Gemma and I believe that our brother has found the perfect partner who will do anything for him and we also have gained a great brother-in-law." She stated, as everyone listened carefully.

"I remember when you asked me for permission to wed my brother just a few months ago and the only thing going through my head was 'I hope that he can keep my brother happy.' I will give you some advice Lucas, a great man once said 'a boy must be loved and not understood.' And you can start the loving by cleaning up after yourself. By my knowledge of love and romance, there has never been a moment where a man was shot by his husband for washing the dishes." She laughed, as everyone did the same.

"I think I've said too much. So may you both be blessed with happiness and with love that will last and a peaceful life together. I wish them enjoyment of all their hopes and dreams today and love and happiness for entirety. TO HARRY AND LUKE, CONGRATULATIONS!" She concluded as everyone clapped for her.

"When Ariana told me that Harry and Luke were getting married, I was so relieved. I was relieved that all the work that they had put into their relationship wouldn't be for nothing. They've been through a lot together, from a 6 month long relationship to 2 years together with a daughter." Gemma paused to take a deep breath.

"One thing I've always imagined is Sydney noticing the small things you do in your relationship. Harry picking up a new guitar pick on his day off for Luke. Luke buying white roses, Harry's favorite, just to see him smile. The corny jokes they Google to make each other laugh. Now their laugh makes each other's day. And then take those things and putting them in his own marriage.

"Harry asked me to be his maid of honor exactly two months before today. I almost hit him by how much he scared me. He asked me by jumping put from behind a door. I had to say yes though, because even being part of this wedding is honorable. Being a part of your life is honorable." Gemma's speech ends and she smiles at Harry and Luke.

"I've always been protective of Luke, whether it would be for friends, school, or relationships," Jack starts his speech.

"And when he told me and Ben that he was brining Harry home to meet us, I put my guard up extra high. He had just gotten out of a breakup with his last ex who I thought was a nice guy. He brought Harry home and he seemed nice, but Taylor seemed nice as well."

Jack narrows his eyes at the mention of Taylor and the wedding guests laugh.

"We pulled his chair out for him at dinner, said please and thank you to mom and dad, and was very polite throughout the dinner. But I didn't trust him yet. I only trusted him after they got home from their fifth date. He wrapped his arm around his waist and kissed him, pulling back only to stare into his eyes.

"And I saw something in his eyes that I didn't see in Taylor's. Sincerity and love. In that moment I knew he cares for him more than anything in the world. And that's why we're standing here today, because without their love for each other, they would be nothing." Jack's just about to set the microphone down when he had something else to say. "Oh and please don't have another kid anytime soon."

"When I first met Harry, I couldn't find anything wrong with him." Ben starts his speech.

Everyone laughs at his starting statement, even Harry and Luke.

"I searched and searched but I couldn't find anything wrong with this boy. Finally, when I asked him, he said that he buries his bad traits deep inside so he comes off as confident when really he's a shitty insecure boy. Of course Luke heard and reassured him that he was perfect no matter what." Ben rolled his eyes.

The wedding crowd laughs again.

"They're such a cheesy couple that it makes me cringe. Long walks on the beach. Feeding each other grapes. Going on ice cream dates. Gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. But I guess that's what makes their love work." Ben smiles a fond smile at the end of his speech.

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