51 - gojuichi

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"Hey.. baby.. I wanted to check on you." Yuko looked terrible as Takeshi held her forearm softly, pressing his wide thumb into her plush pale skin. His eyes held so much grief.. so much sorrow, worry, and ten other emotions. He was being strong for his wife who he loved, he was being strong for his daughters, he was being strong for everyone except himself.

Yuko didnt deserve him.

She ignored his statement, "Where are the kids?" eye contact was not met. "I..I dont know.. probably with Yuri or.. s-something." He looked off awkwardly, feeling like a stranger to even his lover. what a bitter cold face she held to him. They were both hardly holding together, soon on their way to insanity.

"Dont you think that's a problem then?" the brown haired female tucked her hair behind her ears, her dark red eyes looking at the sky. Takeshi sighed and took a step closer to her. "We should talk..." he whispered, like the rain didnt mask their tiny voices enough. "Not here."

Yuko looked at her husband up and down, taking in every small detail from his black frayed hair to this double chin with stubble on it he had left to groom.. From the grey plaid vest he wore to the soaken black jacket he had over top of it, how it wrinkled in certain places when he shifted his weight uncomfortably waiting for her answer.

everything i never said // yuri on iceWhere stories live. Discover now