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as soon as ashton got back to the castle, he didn't realize that ryan was already there waiting for him in his personal chambers. he also didn't realize how late it was either. the merprince was thankful that his parents were heavy sleepers.

once ashton closed the double doors to his chamber, ryan immediately started bombarding him with questions. apparently, his parents were throwing a fit as he missed a council meeting since he was gone the whole day. his father was beyond furious with him, and ashton felt guilt coursing through his veins as he listened to the events that happened that day.

"and i just can't believe you're still hanging out with him! your parents are already suspicious of you going out to poseidon knows where, and yet you're still risking not only your title, but your life just to be with that human!"

ashton didn't bother to say anything in defense, knowing that ryan was just really worried about him and that he didn't want to get himself in any more trouble.

ryan sighed, running his hands through his hair as he looked up at the merprince standing before him. he knew that ashton didn't care about becoming king, but at the same time he didn't want his best friend to throw his whole life away just because of some human.

"look, ry, i know you think that the human is dangerous, but i told you time and time again that he is one of the kindest people that i have ever met. and i know that my time as becoming a king is nearing, but once i am crowned king that i will have no freedom whatsoever to explore the surface. he was a miracle to me ryan! i'm happy that i met him ryan. he makes me forget about all of my worries and he makes time not exist because with him it just doesn't, and the way that he's so accepting towards me - it's just - ugh! i'm happy ryan! why can't you respect that?"

ashton let out a breath after he finished, he didn't understand why his only best friend wasn't supporting him on this. if anything, shouldn't he be happy that ashton was finally happy?

ryan said nothing, he sat down on ashton's chair by his dresser which he never used, and processed his best friends' words.

"you like him," ryan stated.

"what? n-no! i just met him!" ashton exclaimed, the heat rushing to his cheeks.

ryan smirked at his flustered friend, knowing that his best friend was a really bad liar.

"sure, i'll let it slide for now. but seriously ash, your parents are getting worried about you. they're worried that you'll rebel against them or something," ryan said with a frown.

"i know that, but i wish not to think about it right now. i just want to sleep, i'll handle the interrogation in the morning," ashton chuckled, relieved that their little dispute has been solved quickly.

ryan sighed heavily, worry lacing through his tone, "yeah, okay. but remember what i said, okay ash?"

the merprince smiled at him in reassurance, "of course."


the next day, ashton woke to the light casting over him, and the faint sound of the grand bell, signaling that it was morning.

he sighed, rolling around in the covers, not really wanting to go and face his parents during breakfast in the dining hall, but he knew that he had to. he just hoped that he could answer all of their questions about his whereabouts.

the merprince eventually got up from the soft satin sheets, and made his way to the connected bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. once he was finished, he decided to put on a dressy shirt that was made out of the finest of fish scales, and decided to take his time doing his hair.

once he heard familiar bell ring by the side of his door, signaling that it was time for breakfast, ashton had no choice but to stop stalling and eventually made his way to the dining hall.

when he saw his mother and father talking to each other in hushed voices, ashton immediately knew that they were talking about him. it only made the heavy feeling in his chest worse as the two stopped talking once he entered and took his seat.

the family ate their food with an uncomfortable silence. ashton never bothered to say a word, just waiting for the moment that his mother or father would question him any minute.

"son." ashton hated the tone he used when his father said that word, the sinking feeling in his stomach deepening.

"where have you been yesterday?" his father asked, putting down his fork on his already empty plate.

ashton silently sucked in a breath, trying to form a coherent excuse that would try to keep his father from asking further questions, "i wasn't in a good mood yesterday, so i went somewhere to take things off my mind."

"and where would that be?" his mother pressed, making ashton fiddle his fingers under the table as his chest tightened each minute.

"the, uh, castle gardens," ashton forced a smile, while his mother and father looked at each other with concern.

his parents weren't stupid, they knew it was a blatant lie, but they let it slide as it was obvious that ashton didn't want to talk about it.

"well, luckily for you, there's no preparations needed for you today. so you can have the whole day to yourself today," the king said to him.

ashton smiled at his father before muttering an 'okay' and finished eating his food. he mentally sighed in relief that they both didn't press on about his whereabouts.

once the merprince was finished with his food, he excused himself from the table.

he frowned once he started walking down the corridor, trying to figure out how to pass the time since michael mentioned something about 'school,' whatever that is. ashton didn't know how long that would take, he just knew that whenever he arrived in the cove when it was getting dark, michael was always there.

ashton sighed, solemnly walking down the corridor as he thought about not seeing the beautiful human until later. he also felt guilty that michael was making time for him that late just to spend time with him.

the merprince wanted to give him a gift as a presentation of gratitude, but he wanted it to come from the heart.

he frowned, stopping in front of the door leading out to the castle gardens as he thought about something special to give to michael.

suddenly, an idea came to mind, and ashton instantly got to work as he pushed open the glass doors to the garden, gathering all of the stuff that he needed.

his heart fluttered as he started to carefully work on the special item, putting his heart and soul into it for a boy that he just met a few days ago.

'you like him,' ryan's voice said into his mind, making the merprince scoff, although he couldn't keep the blush in his cheeks from rising.

'i do not like him,' ashton thought, 'i just think he's attractive, and nice, and kind, and funny. yeah. that's all.'

and that was how the merprince's day was spent, mindlessly thinking about michael in a not-gay way, thank you very much, and continuing to work on the small present for the colorful haired boy.

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