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michael was impatient.

he couldn't wait until the last bell would ring, tapping his fingers to and fro on the desk to a forgotten beat and his leg bouncing in anticipation.

he couldn't wait to see ashton again. he only met the boy yesterday, but it feels as if there's something about him. something intriguing, that just seems so ashton that he couldn't even find the right words to describe him.

sure, he was a bit weirded out that he didn't know what legs were, but michael figured that nobody was really around to teach him, well, anything in life.

that's why he couldn't wait to meet ashton again, he wanted to help him explore, he wanted to help him with all there is to know in the world. he wanted to feel useful.

you see, michael had this constant mindset that if he wasn't doing anything, then he wasn't useful. it made him over analyze things often, it made him feel jumpy if he was doing nothing at all, it made him constantly nag people every five minutes asking, "do you need help?" because he couldn't help the heavy feeling in his chest feeling like he was disappointing people around him. it also made him join the soccer team, volunteer at almost every community service, and always wanted to have a busy schedule. he didn't know what to call it, but at least he knew how to explain it.

but at the same time, he wanted to get to know the boy more. he wanted to be his friend atleast, because he had no one else to be there for him. and maybe michael thought he was really cute too, but that's not important right now. 

too absorbed into his own thoughts, michael didn't even notice that the last bell rang, startling him back into reality. his heartbeat was quickening with excitement as he thought about seeing the curly haired boy. 

of course, he told calum and luke last night, so it wasn't a surprise when the two smirked at michael as he got in the car with such giddiness. 

"i've never seen you so hung up over a guy since we watched the maze runner in like, junior year," calum snickered.

"shut the fuck up, i could say the same for you," michael shot back, making calum's cheeks flush red. the maori boy secretly thanked the lord and savior that luke was an oblivious little shit.

the rest of the ride to michael's house was silent, mainly because the galaxy haired boy was looking forward to seeing ashton again, i mean, it's not like he said it 10 times already.

as soon as he saw the front porch of his beach house, he didn't even bother waiting for calums car to stop. he unlocked the back door manually (calum always hated it when he did that) and jumped out of the car, and shouted a quick but loud "bye!" over his shoulder to show that he didn't forget about them. 

luke giggled at his friends movements, and calum's heart did that weird thing again. he swears he's going to kill luke one day.


once inside, michael changed into a plain black t-shirt and black shorts. he decided to not wear slippers, since he liked the way the sand felt beneath his feet and between his toes.

he entered the cove, ashton already waiting for him near the edge of the pool. once the curly haired boy saw him, he gave a big grin and waved at him. michael internally cooed at how innocent he looked (even though he looks like he could bang him on the mattress all night, not that he'd say that out loud). 

"hey ash," michael waved back, and ashton's heart fluttered at the nickname.

"hello michael."

"why did you want me to come back here?" 

ashton bit his lip nervously, he stayed up all night wondering if he should tell the boy what he truly was. michael didn't seem like he would tell the world who he was, but who was ashton to judge a book by it's cover? so, he decided to get to know michael a bit more in the meantime, he was hoping it wouldn't take too long, since he was really bad at keeping something hidden. ashton was pretty sure that the only people he was good at keeping secrets from are his parents.

"because you seem interesting, and i want to get to know you more," ashton stated, he minus well say the half truth.

michael blushed, and sat near the edge of the pool. he didn't really care if his shorts were damp, he focused more on the curly haired boy in front of him, who always seemed to be in the water.

"okay, well, wanna play 21 questions?" michael asked.

ashton frowned, confusion written all over his face. humans were weird, why did they like to play a game that's just full of questions? where's the fun in that?

"what is the purpose of that game? it's just full of questions," ashton observed.

"it's a game that people play so that they'll get to know the other person more. kind of like an icebreaker," michael stated.

ashton had no idea what an ice breaker was, but he decided to go with it anyways. 

"okay, and how do we play this 21 questions?"

michael chuckled at how posh he sounded, "basically, you just ask someone a question and then they answer your question. and then the other person does the same. they keep going until they eventually reach the 21st question."

so humans ask these questions to get to know each other more, but they decide to call it a game? they're so confusing, ashton thought, but he nodded along anyway. 

"i'll go first, yeah?" michael said in a soft tone. 

"o-okay," ashton replied, a small blush covering his cheeks.

"alright i'll start with something simple, what's your favorite color?"

your eyes. "green."

"that's great! see? now it's your turn to ask," michael grinned.

and that's how they spent their night. michael momentarily forgot that he had school tomorrow, and that he still didn't do his chem homework, but none of that mattered right now as he was having too much fun with the boy he just met.

as for ashton, well, he knew he was going to get a scolding tomorrow from his mother and father; he also knew he was going to get a hard smack in the head by ryan, but he didn't care right now. what mattered right now was that he was taught a lie, and this human was one of the kindest people he ever met. he didn't understand why the merpeople were so against them.

so there he was, mindlessly staring at the glow in michael's eyes as he ranted on and on about how he had an obsession with pokemon, whatever that is, when he was a little boy. 

he was content, he was the happiest that he's been in years, and that's all that mattered to him.

kind of a filler, sorry. i was so drained and tired yesterday that i was pulling words out of my ass at 12 in the morning playing j-lo on repeat -lynn

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