Chapter 6: Berserk

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Traveling through the forest with minor injuries, Yuki was getting closer and closer to the group of demons that fled from battle. Mera, on the other hand, had been dealing with Bakuro, one of the ferocious fighters apart of the Six Demons. She was using the standard fire streams that she shot out with boxing jabs that Bakuro ran through with ease. Mera stepped back far away to gain some distance between her and him, yelling at the top of her lungs while pointing her hand towards Bakuro. 


The command word caused a bigger stream of fire to release from her hand, but it hadn't even caused Bakuro to stop at all leading up to him clocking Mera in the jaw with a brutal looking punch. The force of it made her fall to the ground but roll on to her feet in a crouched position.

Mera's Thoughts: What's up with this guy? How's he not even flinching at my fire?

As Mera's face became full of confusion, Bakuro took notice of it and instantly knew why she looked that way.

Bakuro: We demons are not affected by such pesky things such as temperature. No matter how hot or how cold you make it, it won't even give us a headache. 

Mera: So that's why.

She stood back up and rubbed at her jaw with the back of her hand.

Mera's Thoughts: Just from that one hit he just showed me how strong he is, and there's no telling if he can get stronger or not. Maybe I can outpace him. 

She'd hunch over and grip the handle of her sword. 

Mera: Flashfire!

Her yelling made Bakuro put up his guard as she became a stream of fire but would maneuver around him and revert back into her physical form, having her blade drawn out and slashing down at him.

Mera: IT'S OVER!

Before she could have her sword make contact with him, her body became weighed down extremely, having her crash face first into the floor. 

Mera: What the...?

Bakuro: Hahahaha!

Bakuro turned around, now knowing where Mera was and reached for her but would grip the dirt from the ground as Mera used her flashfire technique once more to travel away from him and hide behind a tree.

Mera: What's going on? Why did my body just drop like that? 

The perplexed Bakuro looked in every direction for Mera just in case she attempted any sneak attacks. 

Mera: I'll have to try again.

She'd step out from the tree she was hiding in and used a burst of flames from her feet to propel herself forward to Bakuro, looking to pierce her sword through Bakuro's chest. Her attempt failed once more as her body was weighed down again quickly, only this time she used one hand to keep herself from falling face first again.

Mera: Damn it! What's happening!?

Bakuro: Aw, what's the matter? Is your body feeling weak under my gravity field?

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