THE EMPERORS WOLVES - Gathering the Wolfpack - Prologue pt4

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Prologue pt4

‘Come down and we’ll kill you quick….’ The voice cut off with what sounded like a slap.

‘Idiot, they won’t come down if you tell them that.’ This voice had a Gaulish accent.

‘Come down and we’ll let you live.’

‘Just shut your fucking mouth. Let me speak.’ The Gaul announced.

Tertio shook his head, he didn’t intend to reply and these idiots sounded drunk. He had no intention of saying anything. The only way they could force him down was to burn him out. If that happened, he would finish it quickly.

The Gaul started again. ‘If you’re a slave you can join us. It’s better than staying here and living like an animal. I guarantee your safety if….’

A shout came from outside and Tertio moved to the tiles. The lights had grown closer. He couldn’t tell how many men were coming but they numbered far more than six or seven. Tertio could count at least thirty torches and some seemed to be mounted. He could just make out the heads of horses.

‘I don’t care where you’ve come from as long as you’re on my side.’ Tertio admitted in a low voice.’

The men below were shouting to each other. Someone had obviously seen the torches and finally raised the alarm. Tertio turned back as the Gaul shouted again.

‘We’re going. If you want to come with us you’d best do it quick. Someone’s coming and we’re off.’ There was a pause of a few seconds. ‘Come on lads. Let’s get out of this fucking place.’

‘What about whoever’s up there?’

‘Sod em.’

The men below were splitting up into different groups. He watched eight men as they ran down the side of the burning villa and out the rear gate. One of them was wearing a chainmail shirt. The larger group at the front steps were talking, four men crossed from the direction of the winery. Tertio watched as the group moved away towards the western wall and out of sight.

Conflicting emotions ran around his head. He had survived, but hated himself for it. What he felt about the men running away was beyond retribution. He wanted them to feel agony. He wanted them to scream before they died.

Tertio waited as the group of torches angled towards the front gates. He remained in position waiting to see who was approaching. Seconds later twenty mounted men all in armour drew up in front of the villa. One man wore a crested helmet and could be heard barking orders to his men. More riders came thundering through the gates. They stopped near the helmeted man. Tertio’s shoulders sagged relief Tenus dropped his hood and bounded from his horse.

‘We’re saved Titus. Tenus is here.’

Tertio placed the infant back on the blanket and grabbed the ladder. He had it in position in seconds and then scooped the sleeping bundle and started down the ladder. He was half way through the winery when he saw the first figure approaching in the gloomy light.

‘Who are you and what are you doing. Identify yourself or I’ll gut you.’

Tertio slowly raised his free hand. ‘Relax friend. I’ve been hiding up there with the only other survivor of this nightmare. Who are you lot?’

‘We’re the militia. Is no one else with you?’

The man wiped sweat away from his forehead with his sleeve.

‘No. It’s just us two.’

Tertio emerged from the winery. The heat coming from the villa was intense even at this distance. Tenus and the helmeted militia man ran to meet him.

THE EMPERORS WOLVES - Gathering the WolfpackWhere stories live. Discover now