3) The Sixteen Trophies

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      "Sixteen is the number of trophies you'll be targeting," Agent Rein said, nodding at the four of us standing shoulder to shoulder across of him in a tight, straight line.

"We received intel that sixteen of The Dynasty men will be dispatching tonight. Your job is to execute a slick ambush. We need them as hostages, but if matters come to worse, don't hesitate to kill. This mission requires only the elite." He said, gazing at each agent intently.

As Assassins, we had one major competitor, The Dynasty, that association my father; Duncan, was a part of many years ago. Similar to the Assassins, they were known about only by the government. They worked in secrecy to try and annihilate all Assassins, as their main mission. Not that it was an easy task though. Ten or more Assassins were being recruited daily and hundreds are being professionally trained each day. Fair to say, it's been a constant battle between the Crescent Assassins and The Dynasty since near a century.

I snickered in my head at the flattering remark. It was actually pretty hard to get noticed here, let alone become a leader for a mission.

Rein cleared his throat, probably somehow reading my mind. "If you're lucky, you'll return with permanent injuries, and if you're not, you'll be tortured to death. This is an A-Ranked mission so it won't be a breeze." He said, casually clasping his hands behind his back, not even slightly concerned.

Holy Fuck.

On Rein's orders, two trainees marched towards my side, a smart, capable looking blonde and a dumbfounded dark haired guy who stared at me like I was Dracula or something.

"I'm Agent Steele. You'll be part of my team tonight. Welcome aboard."

I nodded stiffly.

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