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"How dare she?! How dare she take down all my men?! And turn my hideout to rubble!" Galvatron yelled as he hit a cave wall with his large fist. Lockdown rolled his optics as he walked up to Galvatron. He sighed, "Calm down, Galvatron, we'll get her. I mean, I am a bounty hunter after all, and I don't stop until I get the bounty."

Galvatron growled, "Well, it looks like your doing a great job Lockdown. You said you'd have her at the end of the day, and guess what? She is not in my clutches is she?!" Lockdown face palmed and huffed, "I told you that. Ten. Minutes. Ago." Galvatron stopped for a second and then face palmed also.

"Swoop! Where are you?" Danica yelled. She was looking around the cave, hopping around, checking each little cave room. Swoop was watching the girl from the ceiling of the cave, watching her hop around. She sighed, "Oh well, I guess you really are good at hide and seek, Swoop. I guess you win!" Just then Swoop came down and nuzzled her chest with one of his heads. She giggled, "Oh Swoop, your silly."

Snarl came inside from the rain, and saw that Swoop was cuddling up to Danica. "Swoop if Grimlock find you with Danica..." Snarl warned. Swoop transformed and picked up Danica and said, "Danica not his. Danica mine." Snarl rolled his optics and said, "Grimlock won't like what Swoop said." Danica sighed, "Guys, stop. I'm nobody's girl yet. These things take time, it doesn't go like, a mech sees a femme and just takes her as his and she has no problem with it!" Swoop looked at her and then back at Snarl and said, "Me know Grimlock won't understand that." Snarl chuckled and moved out of the way of the entrance of the cave. Swoop put Danica down and she stepped up to the mouth of the cave. She sighed, seeing Grimlock talk to the other Autobots. She had admitted to herself that she indeed loved him.

Optimus walked up to the cave and bent down to get closer to Danica. He sighed, "I see that your happier today, Danica." Danica smiled and said, "Well, I've been thinking for a while and I don't need to stay in a crevice all day. And it's raining outside!" Optimus smiled and chuckled, "I thought human femmes didn't like the rain?" Danica laughed as she walked outside, "Well this femme's different. I love the rain." Optimus chuckled and walked out with her. Crosshairs walked up to Danica and bent down to her height. He said, "Hey little lady, you feeling better enough to go for a drive?" Danica smiled and said, "You know I'm feeling better when the rain is about." Crosshairs smirked and transformed and opened his passenger door. Danica climbed in and as Crosshairs shut the door, she could hear a growl.

Crosshairs sighed, "And there's Grimlock..." Danica sighed, "I'll calm him down." She stepped out and walked up to the angered dino mech. Grimlock transformed into his robot form and growled, "Danica not go with Crosshairs. Danica stay with me Grimlock." Danica sighed, "Grimlock, please. Crosshairs is my friend, I need to hang out with him sometime!" Grimlock sighed, "But Danica..." She sighed and put a hand on Grimlock's servo. Danica said, "Grimlock, it's ok. I'll be safe with Crosshairs." Grimlock transformed back into his dino form and nuzzled Danica with his large nose. She giggled and walked back to Crosshairs. He chuckled as he shut his passenger door for her and shot off.

"Whoa, Crosshairs, why so fast?" Danica asked as she held onto Crosshairs car seat. He chuckled, "I thought you like to go fast!" Danica giggled, "Your right." He sped across the desert plain, no care in the world, not noticing the grey Lamborghini tailing them.

"Stupid Autobot. That girl will be mine soon." Lockdown growled as he sped up to get closer to Crosshairs and Danica. Before he could ram the Autobot, he transformed, making Crosshairs turn around and transform, Danica falling into his hand. Crosshairs quickly put her down in the tall grass and growled at Lockdown, "You picked the wrong 'bot to fight, bounty hunter." Lockdown chuckled, "You so sure, Autobot?" And began to fight Crosshairs in hand-to-hand combat.

Danica stayed in the tall grass, trying to hide, wishing that she could help. Her wish came true. Her ears turned into Cybertronian audio processors that were similar to her fathers and her body was covered in armor that looked like Optimus' armor and Grimlock's combined.

A sword morphed into her hand and a battle mask covered her face. She marveled at the sight of her new look, thinking of a plan to take down Lockdown. Danica jumped out of the tall grass and charged at the bounty hunter, taking him off guard when she stabbed him in the shoulder, making him howl in pain and back away from Crosshairs. She crawled up his back and stood on his shoulder, digging the sword deeper and deeper into him.

Danica growled, "Back down, Lockdown." She twisted the sword, making Lockdown fall to his knees. He yelled, "I yield! I yield!" She smirked as she ripped the sword from him, taking out some circuits and wires, and jumped off. She looked up at Lockdown, who was scowling at her. Danica growled, "Don't ever come back here. Don't ever touch my family. Ever." Lockdown huffed but obeyed the girls wishes. He transformed into his Lamborghini mode and said, "I will stay away, but I cannot help you when Galvatron comes for you himself." Danica nodded as she put her sword in the scabbard on her hip. She said, "So be it."

Lockdown revved his engine and said, "Good luck." , as he drove away. Crosshairs stared down at Danica, his optics wide. He asked, "How did y-" He was cut off by Danica answering, "Don't know, don't care." And her armor morphed back into her human limbs, except for the Cybertronian audio receptors and sword. She sighed, "Let's go home."

Crosshairs shrugged and transformed. Danica smiled and sat in his passenger seat, holding on to her sword and scabbard. They came back, telling the others about their encounter with Lockdown and how Danica transformed. Optimus said to Danica, "You were very brave, FireMoon. I'm proud." Danica smiled and returned to her room in her cave, tired from the day.

(Uhhhhgg, I have major writers block or this chapter kinda short and well I hope it doesn't suck.)

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