Meeting up with friends

879 44 6

New York

Next Day

Danica crossed her arms as she slumped down in Bumblebee's back seat. She's usually not impatient, but her anger made her be. Bumblebee stayed in his holoform to keep her company, but he just sat in the driver seat wondering what he should say. Danica sighed, "Bumblebee?" He jumped, not thinking she would speak up. He asked, "Yes, Danica?" She looked at him with a sorrowful face. Danica let a tear roll down her cheek as she sighed, "My family is falling apart."

Bumblebee was taken aback from what she said. Danica then began to cry. She whimpered, "Ever...E-ever since mother l-left...I've tried to keep t-this family I-it's destroyed...dads a drunk...moms cheating on him...and I'm struggling to keep Ryan safe...and even m-more wonderful, th-this isn't even my r-real family!" She hugged her knees to her chest and continued to cry. Bumblebee reached toward her, to comfort her, but he got a message on his com link. It was Optimus. The rest of the Autobots were alive! And, the Dinobots. Danica noticed the silence that surrounded her and lifted her face from hiding. She wiped away her tears from her eyes and stared at Bumblebee, who was staring back at her. He spoke up, "The Autobots. I know where they are."

Danica's eyes widened and said, "Then we need to get Ryan now! We need to get to them!" She began to get out, but Bumblebee grabbed her arm and said, "What if your mother doesn't let Ryan go?" Danica scowled at the very thought. She growled, "She won't stop me from taking him." She opened the car door and stomped into the apartment complex and got on the elevator to her mothers apartment. When she got to the apartment, her mother was quickly rushing out the door with her new 'boyfriend', and she was gripping Ryan's wrist tightly. Ryan was trying to rip himself from her painful grasp as he whimpered, "M-mom! M-mom! Your h-hurting me!"

Sari yelled, "Shut up! We need to get out of here before that 'thing' you called a sister comes for you!" Danica scowled and yelled, "Well bitch, too damn late!" Sari looked up and put Ryan between her and Danica. Like a human shield. Sari yelled, "Back the f*** off or your 'brother' gets it!" Danica's eyes glowed a dangerous blue as her seething anger grew. The rest of her body began to glow a bright blue, and her arms turned into cannons. She wasn't fazed by the cannons at all, it seemed, normal to her. Sari screamed and hid behind Ryan. Ryan's eyes grew wide as he watched his sister grow angrier and more powerful by the second. Danica growled, "Stand the f*** up and don't use my brother as a shield, you f***ing coward!" Sari quivered in fear as she let go of Ryan and stood up. Ryan smiled and ran toward his sister. Once Ryan hugged her, the blue glow that surrounded Danica faded away. She looked down at her cannons and made them disappear. She looked at the man that her mother was now 'boyfriends' with and said, "I hope your happy, you scum. You've ripped a 'family' apart." She then turned to Sari and growled, "Goodbye, Bitch." She turned Ryan around and quickly exited the complex. Sari stood there, her body pushed against the wall, thinking about how terrible a mother she was.

Danica and Ryan stride over to Bumblebee's alt and get in their respective seats. Bumblebee looked at Ryan, first looking at his blood-shot eyes, and then at his bruised arm where Sari was gripping him tightly. He turned to Danica and asked, "What happened?" Danica frowned and said, "I don't want to talk about it, Bee. Let's just get to the Autobots."

Time Lapse: 5 Hours


The odd trio had reached the desert that the other Autobots had been hiding in. Plateaus towered above them as they drove past, searching for the campfire. Bumblebee soon saw the flame and the Autobots that followed. He swerved into the dirt, off the regular road, and drove toward the other Autobots. The Dinobots had their own campfire in a cave, and were all huddled together and sleeping in their dino forms. Bumblebee parked right in the middle of the Autobots huddle and opened his car doors for Danica and Ryan. Danica stepped out first and helped out Ryan. Crosshairs, the green Autobot, loaded up his cannons and pointed them at the humans. Danica and Ryan's eyes grew wide. She stepped in front of her brother and stood her ground. Drift, the samurai Autobot, lowered Crosshairs weapons with his large Katana sword. He said, "She's a techno-organic." Crosshairs then realized who Danica was and stopped trying to shoot the two humans. Optimus walked up to them and kneeled down to their height. He spoke, "I, am Optimus Prime. And who may you be?" Danica stared into his blue optics, feeling like she has seen them, from long ago. She answered, "I am Danica Farman, and this, is my brother Ryan Farman." Optimus nodded and stood back up. He then offered, "You may sleep where you please, it must've been a long drive for you two." Danica nodded and thanked him. She turned to the cave and spotted Grimlock. She was intrigued by the large metal T-Rex, so she asked Bumblebee, "Who is that large T-Rex?" Bumblebee looked down and answered, "It's Grimlock. Be safe around the Dinobots, they are...not really nice, to humans." Danica nodded, of course not scared of Bumblebee's warning, so she walked up to the cave. Ryan, was of course, scared, so he didn't go along. Danica stepped close to Grimlock, but dared not to touch him, or wake him. But it was to late, he was already awake. Once he laid his red optics on Danica, he was put in a trance by her beauty. He purred, to get her attention. Danica jumped back, surprised, and a little afraid. She stuttered, "H-hello, Griml-lock." Grimlock tried to settle her down, tried to maker her not afraid of him, by nuzzling her with his large nose. She giggled, and that made the large Dinobot king happy. As her laughter rung through the cave, it woke the other Dinobots. Strafe, the two-headed pteranodon, poked his head around Snarl to see where the laughter was coming from. He saw Danica, and decided to greet the new girl. When Strafe sniffed Danica, Grimlock fiercely growled, making Strafe back off. Danica wondered why he did that, and looked at Grimlock questionably. He nudged her away from the other, curious, Dinobots, and then stood up. He towered over her, and Danica stared at the Dinobot and his large size. Grimlock purred at her again, and she smiled. Bumblebee and Optimus watched the girl interact with the large, fierce dino, and wondered, 'why does he like that girl?'

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