777 39 3

Time Lapse: 14 Hours


New York City

Bumblebee has been driving nonstop to New York, and the two humans were beginning to have cabin fever, like that guy in the shining except there's no killing. They were stuck in traffic, and it wasn't going to move very soon. Danica asked Bumblebee, "Should we just get out and you try to find a way out of traffic while we go and find the apartment?" Bumblebee's holoform turned around and faced Danica. He said, "I can track you so it'll be safe. Go." Danica nodded and she carefully opened the back car door and her and her brother got out. She shut it and maneuvered herself with her brother over to the sidewalk.

Danica checked the map on her phone to see where her mothers apartment complex was and she began to make her way to the complex. Ryan held onto her hand as they swerved through the crowds of people on the sidewalk. Danica muttered under her breath, "Why do these people walk so slow?" Some people glared at the two kids and some shoved Ryan out of their way, making him fall to the ground. Danica turned around to see Ryan get kicked and walked over, and she instantly grabbed him and stood him upright. Some of the crowd cleared away from where Danica and Ryan were as she tried to clean Ryan up. Danica stood up and they began to walk through the crowd again.

Ryan asked, "How long until we get to the apartment?" Danica looked at her brother and then opened up the map on her phone again and pinpointed the location. She answered, "Almost there. Just around the corner, actually." Ryan nodded as they rounded the corner and found the complex. Danica went into her notes to find the apartment number and she read that it was 418 on the 4th floor. They jumped into the elevator, surprisingly empty, and pushed the 4th floor's button. The elevator shot up, and it surprised the two humans. Ryan turned to his older sister and asked, "Why is it faster than other elevators?" Danica looked at her brother and then answered, "Well, it probably has a stronger machine pulling it up making it go faster or something." Ryan nodded and it returned to silence. Danica shoved her hands into her pockets as her eyes shifted around the elevator. It reached the 4th floor and the automatic doors opened. Danica lead Ryan over to the end of the hallway and stood in front of the apartment door.

Danica took a deep breath and knocked on the door. She could hear her mother on the other end. But, she was talking to someone inside her apartment. And, it was a male voice. Danica heard the male say, "Who is at the door, Sari?" And her mother responded, "Oh my god, it's my kids!" Sari basically ripped open the door and embraced her kids in a bone-crushing hug. Danica wasn't pleased to see her mother right now. Danica was looking around the apartment as she was hugging her mother, and noticed the male that was talking to her mother earlier. As Sari let go of her kids, Danica growled, "Who's he?" Sari turned to the man behind her and then turned back to Danica. She sighed, "My...boyfriend...I-it's time that I tell you-" Danica interrupted her mother with a yell, "That you've cheated on father?!" She then growled, "How could you..." Sari looked at her daughter in shock and stammered, "E-excuse me?" Danica glared at her and muttered, "You know what I said, Sari."

Sari frowned and yelled, "You have no right to call me that! I. Am. Your. Mother." Sari tried to bring Ryan over to her side, away from Danica, but Danica grabbed her arm. She growled, "Your not my mother. And you. Know. It." Sari ripped her arm from Danica's grasp and said, "But Ryan is my son."

Danica couldn't help but laugh, "Ha! Are you sure? You left him at 6 months. I have been taking care of him since you left for this forsaken place." Sari couldn't say anything. She was speechless. Danica just kept on glaring at her. Just then, the man that Sari had been cheating on her husband with spoke up. He said, "You should respect your mother, Danica, dear." Danica slowly turned her head toward the man and growled, "Know your place. Don't you dare call me dear. I'm not your daughter. She's not my mother. Now shut yourself up before I do it for you."

The man shut up and Danica turned back to her mother. She whispered, "Have fun with Ryan. I'll be back for him soon. And your sure the hell not going to see me or him anytime soon." Danica turned away from Sari and kneeled down to be face-to-face with Ryan. She rubbed his head and Ryan lunged into her arms. He whispered into her ears, "Don't leave me here." Danica let go of him and whispered, "Don't worry. It'll go by fast. You'll be safe." She stood back up and stared at her mother. She growled, "Goodbye. Sari." She then turned around and strut out the door and slammed it.

As she walked down the hall to the elevator, Bumblebee exited the elevator in his holoform. He was confused when he only saw an angry Danica. He asked, "What's wrong, Dan?" Danica frowned and was about to say something but instead she burst into tears. Bumblebee embraced Danica in a hug as he tried to calm her down. Danica whimpered, "Mom...I-is cheating on d-dad..." Bumblebee frowned and rubbed her back. He whispered, "It's okay." He then let go and asked, "Where's Ryan?" Danica sighed, "He's back with Sari for a while. But after I pick him up he'll never see her in a long time."

Bumblebee nodded and asked, "You...want to sit in my back seat for a while?" Danica looked up at Bumblebee and nodded. Bumblebee smiled and lead Danica to the elevator and left the apartment complex.

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