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[ P R O F I L E ]

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[ P R O F I L E ]


I am Kim Seok-jin's destined wife and Min Yoon-gi perfect half-- not debatable!






In between Yoon-Jin.


English, Filipino, Yoon-Jin language

Pet Peeves:

Ill manners


Overthinking, mostly doing whatever I thought would be interesting to do


BTS Bias and why:

Kim Seok-Jin because I see most of me in him-- perhaps, he is the best version of me.

BTS Bias wrecker and why:

Min Yoon-gi. He's a lot like me too. Also, he never failed to make my breathing hitch whenever he performs.

All the members of BTS are also my bias wrecker. I mean, individually, they shine in their own way and I just love how each of them represents a certain uniqueness.

How and when did you become an ARMY?

It was destiny! Haha!

Describe your love life using a BTS song title:

"Mic Drop" *walks away*

Describe yourself using BTS lyrics:

"I see ocean; I see dessert; I see the world. Everything is the same thing with a different name." -Sea

"You know that I can't show you me, give you me... I can't show you how shabby I am." - The Untold Truth

*insert the lyrics of, "The Last" by AGUST D

A BTS iconic quotes that inspire you:

"Your presence brings happiness. Remember that." - Kim Seok-jin

"If we don't talk about these issues, who will?" -Min Yoon-gi (This one always inspires me to write diversely.)

"You gave me the best of me so you'll give you the best of you." - BTS, Magic Shop (This is the most recent one that caught my heart and moved my soul.)

Make a six-word story when you finally meet your Bias:

It's love at first sight... Destiny!

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