Chapter 29

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One day before the final, Se Yeon and Jackson flew together to Beijing, China but they are not alone, their managers are also with them. They were flying together because they need to go back to the camp as soon as possible and start practicing. It was said to be going live so any mistakes cannot be edited out. And after practicing for days, they are still awkward with each other. Maybe because Jackson is so gentleman and a well mannered guy and he respects Se Yeon so much.

“ Does your feet hurt ? “ Jackson asked after he approached Se Yeon who collapsed on the floor after the choreographer gave them a minute rest.

“ Kinda. “ Se Yeon answered while massaging her ankle.

She and Jackson are currently on the Practice Room and practicing for their performance. Se Yeon needs to dance while wearing a 5 inches heels non stop for 3 hours now. And by practicing that long time and without her unnies teasing them constantly, they improved a lot. They can now make skinship without being awkward.

“ Remove that shoes first. I’m going to talk your manager. “ Jackson said and before Se Yeon can argue, he already walked away.

Se Yeon sighed and remove the 5 inches shoes. There are bruises forming on her ankle. Maybe it was because she fell numerous times because the floor is slippery. Good thing Jackson is there to support and help her to not fall completely and injure herself.

She can walk with heels and she can wear them. She can even dance with it but she doesn’t wear 5 inches when dancing. The highest shoes she’s ever wore in a performance was 3 inches. And bruises, last time she get bruises on her feet was when she did ballet. It is normal event for her everyday. But since she doesn’t do ballet now, it is very rare to get herself bruised. She get bruises but it was because of her clumsiness.

After a minute, Jackson returned with her Manager in tow. Minjae look at her with worried look. He has been treating her like his younger sister eversince their CEO introduced her as their manager. All of the members were. They were like little sisters to him and he felt the need to protect them. Se Yeon is getting numerous threat lately so Minjae was ordered to come with her on China and he instantly obliged. The girls are on their vacation because they’ve already finished their promotions.

Minjae checked Se Yeon’s ankle.

“ Did you twist your ankle ? Is it painful ? “ Manager Minjae asked while checking Se Yeon’s bruised ankle.

“ I didn’t twist it but I slipped many times because the floor is slippery. And it is quite painful. “ Se Yeon answered honestly. Jackson is just watching them at the side while looking worried.

“ That’s enough practicing for today. You already finished the whole song so I think that’s enough. Lie down and keep your foot elevated. I’m going to get Ice cube. “ Manager Minjae said and stood up before walking away. Jackson replaced his position.

“ I’m sorry. “ Se Yeon murmurs.

“ For what ? “ Jackson asked, confused.

“ Because I am clumsy and our practice was affected. “ Se Yeon anwered. Jackson sat down beside her and lean his back on the mirror behind them.

“ Don’t be sorry. Health is number 1 priority. And we already memorized the dance routine. But now, you need to rest because if the swelling and bruise doesn’t clear up tomorrow, I’m sure you’re going to have a hard time dancing because of your injury. “ Jackson said while looking straight at her. Se Yeon smiled and murmurs a small thankyou.

Jackson is really caring and sweet. Not just with her but to everyone. He maybe strong and manly but his attitude tells otherwise. He’s really a sweet, caring and gentleman on the inside. He’s really goofy too.

Manager Minjae gave Se Yeon a bag of cube ice to put it on her sprain to reduce the swelling. Jackson left because he’s going to visit the trainees. Minjae is out somewhere over the rainbow. She’s the only one left on the practice room. She put the pack of ice cube in her ankle, closing her eyes when the cold plastic full of ice cubes comes contact with her skin.

She’s used to this pain. Those 7 years of pain in learning ballet but all those hardships payed off with good memories. She missed dancing ballet. She missed wearing leotards. She missed dancing with pointe shoes. But she needs to stop because of her traumatic injury. If she’ll ever give a chance to dance ballet again, she’s going to take it without having any hesitation.

Nearly one hour past and the ice cubes are no longer there and was replaced by cold water. Se Yeon put the plastic down and tried to stand up which she was thankful because she succeed. She can walk but she’s struggling.

She limped towards her dorm which is quite hard because her dorm is far from the main building which she was in right now.

“ Se Yeon ? “ The said girl literally jump and her back lean backwards with her both hands outstrectched on the air.

“ Uwah ! Kkamjjakiya ! “ Se Yeon blurted while her hands automatically flew and landed on her chest where her heart lies. She glared at the Silvery Blonde guy who just smile at her ‘innocently’, displaying his deep dimples.

“ You look like a real ballerina when you did that. “ Lin Yanjun joked then chuckles. Se Yeon only replied with dagger eyes.

“ Where are you going and why are you limping ? “ Yanjun interrogated her like she did something wrong.

“ I should ask the same question to you, Trainee. Why are you still out here ? You should be sleeping now. “ Se Yeon said while looking—or more like glaring at the guy.

“ I’ve got extra practice. I’m with Zhangjing actually but he goes back to the practice room because he forgot his phone. “ Yanjun said and still, his smiles hasn’t wiped off on his handsome face. “And why are you answering my question another question ? “

“ Well, me and Jackson Oppa were practicing earlier but I sprained myself. So here I am, limping. “ Se Yeon answered.

“ Where’s your Manager ? “ Yanjun asked.

“ I don’t know and I don’t want to call him. He’s been taking care of us since our debut and I think he deserves to have some break. “ The lass answered and lean to the wall next to her because she can’t support her whole weight using one foot due to exhaustion.

“ But that’s the job of managers. “ Yanjun said

“ Oh come on ! Minjae Oppa deserves a break even just for a day. He’s been good to us and it wouldn’t hurt to give him a short break. “ Se Yeon reasoned out. The lad cannot helped but to look at her with admiration on his eyes. She’s really humble. And pretty too ! She’s a complete wife material. The guy who’s going to marry her will be very lucky ! Argh ! Lin Yanjun what are you thinking ?! Really ?! Wife and Marry ?! She’s just 17 Years Old !

“ Okay, you won. “ Yanjun said then suddenly kneel down on the ground. Se Yeon looked at him weirdly.

“ What are you doing ? “ She asked as if Yanjun grew two heads.

“ Let me piggy back you to your dorm. I think you can’t walk with that injury. “ Yanjun said and flashes a smile again. Before Se Yeon can argue, Zhangjing appeared.

“ What’s happening here ? And why Yanjun kneeling infront of you ? Are you proposing ?! “ Zhangjing asked, overreacting.

“ No. But this girl right here needs to be piggy back because she’s having a hard time walking. “ Yanjun answered. Zhangjing nod his head then shift his glance to Se Yeon who is still leaning on the wall.

“ Are you okay ? What happened to you ? Why can’t you walk ? “ Zhangjing asked worriedly, asking question after another.

“ I’m okay, Zhangjing ! I just sprained myself but it’s okay. It’s not painful anymore. “ Se Yeon answered. Ahh~ White Lies ! Of course its painful ! I can’t even walk properly !

“ Oww, You really need a piggy back. Come on, let Yanjun piggy back you. “ Zhangjing said then pulled her slowly. Se Yeon doesn’t have a choice to let Yanjun piggy back her.

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