After a while, our boats finally hit land. I was the first to step out of our boat, followed by Legolas than Gimli. I turned to help the two Hobbits climb out, as the boat was much bigger for them. We started to make camp, as the evening was coming up behind us very quickly. Aragorn made a small fire to roast meat over, while Legolas and I ate Lembas bread, a very filing Elvish food.

As the day grew into night, Aragorn let our fire die out, in case we had enemies nearby. We also didn't need the heat from it, it being quite humid out. I pulled my cloak off and laid it over the leaves that were covering the ground. I set my quiver, bow and swords besides me. Sleeping with my knives was a routine thing that just made me feel safer, so I left those on. I laid on my back, watching stars become clear in the growing-darker sky.

After a while, I felt someone lay down next to me, on my left. I knew who it was and smiled. "They are beautiful, are they not?" Legolas said, referring to the stars. Nodding, I said "They are the only things that are always there no matter what happened the day before." I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. We continued to lay there together in peace, until it was pitch black. I felt my eyes beginning to feel heavy, so, placing a hand on one of my knives, I allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep.


The next morning I was the last one to wake up, again. I awoke feeling very much better than the day before. Not needing to eat, I put my cloak back on, than put my weapons over it.

I walked over to where Aragorn had started another fire and the Hobbits were crowded around it, eating. Aragorn was siting on a log, smoking, with his eyes closed. I looked around for Legolas, who was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, I felt arms come around me from behind, wrapping me in a hug. I smiled, loving his warmth and his sweet smell. I began to laugh. "What?" he said to me, clearly amused. "I swear, I almost pulled my knife on you!" He laughed at me. "I'm glad you didn't." "How long have you been up?" I questioned. "A few hours. I was shooting." Oh. That's why he wasn't here. I nodded. "Ok." Legolas moved from behind me, taking his arms from my waist. He put his quiver on the log next to Aragorn who opened his eyes.

"Where is Frodo?" Aragorn asked us. We turned our heads, looking for the Hobbit, but finding no one. Merry and Pippin called out to him but he didn't show up. Each second we looked, the more scared we became. Than I realized somebody else wasn't here as well. "Where is Boromir?" I asked. My question got everyone much more scared. We all saw how he had gotten slightly attached to the ring. I figured that I could at least try to hear something with my elf ears. I shushed the Hobbits, who were still yelling. "Hush! Hush! I'm trying to listen!" Legolas was doing the same, trying to hear a familiar voice or even a sound.

We heard the same thing at the same time. Boromir's voice calling Frodo's name. It was very, very faint. We could barely hear it with our ears. We turned to each other with troubled faces. Aragorn stood up and put his hand on the hilt of his sword. "What is it?" He asked. I didn't answer, turning quickly, and sprinting into the woods. "Ryanne!" Aragorn called after me. I didn't turn around, needing to get to our ring-bearer, to make sure of his safety.

I ran through the woods as silently as I could, knowing Legolas was following me. I knew this due to the occasional twig snapping, when he landed too hard. I began to hear other footsteps behind us, knowing that was Aragorn and the Hobbits. What were the Hobbits doing? I wondered. They had no weapons. Besides the pair of daggers that Pippin had been gifted from Lady Galadriel.

Reaching, a broken, stone structure, I saw Frodo standing on top of it clutching the ring in his hand. "Frodo!" I called out to him. He turned to me and began to back away. "Frodo it's okay!" I assured him. What had Boromir done? He looked frightened, as if I would charge at him and hurt him. But before I could assure him with more words, I heard Legolas yell out my name, sounding scared.

On instinct, I grabbed one of my knives from their place on my thigh and swiveled around. Standing a few yards away, was the biggest Urak-Hai, I had ever seen. He had his weapon drawn and pointed at me. I wondered why I didn't hear him coming. Not wasting a second, I pulled my arm back and threw my knife. I threw it so quickly that the Urak-Hai didn't have time to move. I struck him right in his chest, instantly killing him.

Running up to it and yanking my knife out, I turned to see Legolas with his bow drawn, already killing Urak-Hai. Soon, Aragorn ran up with his sword drawn and began to fight with us. The Hobbits and Boromir were to not be seen. Deciding my knives wouldn't be fast enough, I ran up to the stone structure and began to fire my arrows.

After killing a bunch, I heard screams coming from behind me. I identified them as Hobbit screams. My blood turning to ice, I put my bow on my back, drew one of my swords and began to run in their direction. I pulled out as many of my arrows as I could along the way, returning them to my quiver. As I ran, I prayed that nothing had happened to them. They were as defenseless as they could be. Except for Pippin, who I doubted would even be able to kill someone.

I than saw Merry and Pippin hiding behind a rock, looking at Frodo. I saw Boromir a few yards besides them, fighting off more Urak-Hai. I was relieved he was safe, and I began to slice open some Urak-Hai's necks. I knew we were outnumbered without Legolas or Aragorn, but I had no idea how to get them to us.

Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly see Boromir pull out a horn. I recognized that horn and the sound it made. He blew it three times before he was struck in the chest with an arrow.

Time seemed to slow down as I yelled out his name. I knew that Aragorn had heard that horn, and would be coming, but there was no telling how long that would take. Boromir took the horn away from his mouth and stood there, shock all over his face. I pulled out my bow and aimed an arrow at the Urak-Hai that had shot him. Before I could shoot, Boromir got hit with another arrow, bringing him to his knees.

I couldn't move, couldn't shoot my arrow, I almost couldn't breathe. Boromir growled and stood up, swinging his sword and killing more of our enemy. There was blood pouring out of his wounds, making him visibly more and more weaker. The same Urak-Hai raised his bow a third time and shot Boromir again. I screamed out of pain, fear and adrenaline. Not watching Boromir, I fired my arrow at the Urak-Hai that had probably just killed Boromir. I hit him in the chest, drew another arrow and hit him in the chest a second time. Figuring that I killed him, I put my bow around my shoulders and ran over to Boromir.

He was laying down, barely breathing. "No, no, no, your going to okay. Your going to be fine. I'm going to get you up and we are going to make you better." I spoke to him in comforting words. But it seemed as if I was trying to convince myself more than him. He looked at me. "No Ryanne." he whispered in a strained voice. "I'm going. I'm moving on. Make sure that Frodo succeeds in destroying the ring. Make sure!" I nodded, trying so hard not to cry. "I will." I promised.

I was going to cross his arms over his chest with his sword, but I got roughly picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. It was a Urak-Hai and I saw Merry and Pippin being carried by them too. I screamed again and began to hit the Urak-Hai holding me. It wasn't doing anything, but I didn't stop.

It reached up, and with the back of it's weapon, it hit me on my head, sending me into darkness.


A/N: I really hope that that didn't go to fast. Did it seem rushed to you guys? I sincerely hope not....

I'm trying...but I still don't know how it seems to you guys. I like it, but I don't know what you think, until you comment!!!!

Please do, with some constructive criticism. And even, if you have an idea you want me to add in, I just might!! or you can tell me the name of your book if you happen to be writing one and I will check I out!! Or just comment a smiley face if you liked it. I will dedicate the next chapter to those who do comment!!!

Also, thanks to the chica who commented on my last chapter, correcting me on Galadriel's husband's name. I don't remember your username, and for some reason I can't see the comment anymore! but you know who you are and I thank you!

P.S I will do a follow for a follow and a read for a read!!



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