Bonus Chapter: What Spain and France saw

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This a bonus chapter of France and Spain spying on Italy & Hre's date! I'll probably update randomly :P


Spain POV:

"Eh? Italy-chan what are you doing here?" I asked Italy as he and Roman Empire walked into my restaurant. It was to see them together. After all, they're so different.

"I'm eating dinner with Roman Empire-san" Italy replied. How strange. I shrugged and welcomed them. After I took their orders, I went back to the kitchen. I gave the order to Romano.

"2 orders of pasta and 2 drinks" I said.

"Yea yea I got it" Romano replied. He was a stubborn kid, rude and obnoxious. You would hardly believe that he was the brother of Italy. He was also quite clumsy. But at least he was a good cook. As I went to check on the two, I noticed France spying on Italy.

"France?!! What the heck are you doing here??!!" I shouted.

"Ssshhhhh" He put his finger to his lips.

"Don't you sshh me-"

"Can't you see I'm busy!" He said in a loud whisper.

"You better not be up to something" I warned. "And stay the hell from Romano you pervert!"

"This has nothing to do with Romano ok! Now will you shut up!" He pulled me away from view. France was hiding behind a large potted plant across from where Italy and Roman Empire were sitting. Just what was this guy up to?

"Can you explain to me why we're hiding behind a fake plant" I asked.

"I'm spying on Italy" He replied.

"And why is that?"

"I was taking a stroll down the street when I saw an adorable Italy walking with a strange figure" France stated. "At first I thought he was being kidnapped, until I realized that strange person was Holy Roman Empire"

"And you broke into my restaurant to follow them because-?"

"I'm curious why these two are together! I mean, isn't it weird? The cute and innocent Italy to be with the scary looking Roman Empire"

"I guess your right. I mean, wouldn't Italy usually be afraid of him?"

"Exactly" He said. France and I stayed in our hiding spot and watched the unlikely duo. They didn't seem to be talking to each other.

"What an awkward atmosphere" France said.

"Come on, say something at least!" I said to myself.

"Spain! Do something! Just make it less awkward please!" He cried out. "I can't take this awkward atmosphere anymore!"

"R-right" I got up and went back to the kitchen. Their order should be ready by now. "Where were you!? I've been ringing this bell for five minutes Baka!!" Romano said.

"Sorry Romano" I took the orders and brought it over to their table. "Here you are" I said. "Enjoy" I went back to France and hid behind the plant.

"Nice job" He said.

"Thanks" I replied.

We watched Italy and Roman Empire eat their dinner.

"Awww they're so cute together. Don't they look like a couple on a date" France teased.

"Your right" I said. They looked super cute together.

"Why does this kid keep blushing? Does he have a fever or something?" France pointed to Roman Empire. "Wait! don't tell me..."

"what?" I asked.

"He likes Italy!!" France exclaimed.

"Ehhhh!!? No way! Isn't Roman Empire like super serious all the time?"

"Your right. But just look at him. He's love struck. Awww he so adorable" France said. I looked over at Roman Empire. He was blushing ad looking down at his plate.

"Look he's gonna say something"

"Hey Italy, sorry for running away the other day" He apologized. 

"What is he doing" I wondered. 

"Ssshhhhh! This is getting good" France said. I rolled my eyes. "Looks like the blondie's apologizing for something" I pointed out. 

"That's fine, but why did you run away?" I heard Italy ask. 

"I guess it's because when you held my hand I felt really embarrassed and your really cute Italy and I kinda like you so-" Roman Empire said. 

"Oh he did not just say that!!" France yelled. 

"Shut up! Do you wanna blow our cover?!" I covered his mouth. "Look he's already red and embarrassed" 

France pushed my hand away. "I can't believe he's in love with Italy. That's just so cute! I think they would make an adorable couple" 

"Will you be quiet!" I said in a loud whisper. 


Roman Empire started choking on a meatball. "Oh no!" I exclaimed. "Will he be alright?" He took a sip of water and managed to recover. 

"He's fine, quit worrying" France said. 

>Fast Forward 1 hour<

"Care to explain to me why we're following them home?" I asked. We were hiding in an alleyway with our heads peeking out of the corner. 

"I wanna see what happens next" France said. The idiot had dragged me along with him to stalk Italy and Roman Empire. 

"For your information, I have a restaurant to run so will you please let me-"

"Look!" He shouted. I followed his eyes to Roman Empire. He was staring at a couple by the bridge. I didn't understand."I don't get it, what are we looking at"

"Just look at Roman Empire" France said. "Looking at that couple with such longing eyes! The poor thing just wants to love!" 

"Your crazy, you know that right?" I said to him. We continued to follow the two all the way back to Austria's place. 

"Looks like this is Italy's stop" France muttered. Roman Empire took a candy from his poket and handed it to Italy. Italy hugged him and went inside the house. "He's just standing there, blushing" I stated. 

"What are you doing! Make a move already!" France said to himself. 

"Dude chill" I grabbed his shirt collar and dragged him along with me. "Come on, lets go back. This was a complete waste of my time...." I trailed off. 

"Wait it was just getting good!!" France whined. "Let me go dammit!!" 

"Your drunk France" 

"I am not!"

I dropped France at his place and went back to my restaurant only to be confronted by a furious Romano. I gotta admit, spying on those two was kinda fun. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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