First meeting >Flashback<

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Yay! Chapter 2 is here!


Holy Roman Empire first met Italy on a visit to Austria's house. He was walking down the hallway towards the conference room, where he would meet with Mr. Austria. As he was walking down the long hallway, he passed by a figure of a small boy. He was wearing a bright, lime colored maid uniform with a frilly white apron tied around his waist. He held a deck brush and was cleaning the floors. Roman Empire stopped and stared at the boy. 

"Swish swish" He muttered as he continued to clean. He had a chubby face and adorable small hands. Roman Empire became entranced with the small boy's beauty. His cheeks turned a light pink. He put his hands on his cheeks. His face was hot. He suddenly felt flustered and ran away in vain. He ran past Italy and felt his shoulder brush past him. Becoming even more embarrassed, Roman Empire ran even faster until he reached the conference room. His heart was pounding against his chest. "What is this feeling" He muttered. 

After the experience with Italy, Holy Roman Empire started to visit more often. Every time he came, he made sure to pay a visit to the adorable maid. He watched Italy from afar and kept his distance. Roman Empire noticed that Italy was easily frightened. He had a scary face to begin with and he knew that if Italy saw him, he would become frightened. Because of this, he never approached Italy and continued to watch him behind the shadows. 

One afternoon, Roman Empire was walking down the streets near Austria's house. he was carrying a plate of food he bought from a gourmet restaurant in town. He was bringing the food back to his place while he heard a sweet little voice coming from behind a large dumpster outside Austria's house. 

" I'm so hungry" moaned a little voice. He stopped to see little Italy opening the dumpster of food scraps. "I wonder if I can find any pasta in here" He lifted the top of the dumpster and cringed. 

"No I can't eat this" Italy looked away and closed the dumpster. His stomach started growling as he sighed. Roman Empire stared at little Italy. He felt sorry for him and left his plate out in the open. I hope he likes boiled potatoes he thought. Roman Empire hid behind the dumpster and watched Italy waiting for him to eat the food. 

"I'm hungry " Italy turned to see the plate of food Roman Empire left for him. "Huh? There's food over there" Italy went over to the food and kneeled down. Italy smiled.  

"Itadakimasu" said Italy. He put a boiled potato in his mouth and began to chew. Roman Empire watched him quietly with anxiety. I hope he likes it. Italy suddenly stopped chewing. This is it, thought Roman Empire. "Yuck. It tastes terrible." Italy muttered. Roman Empire sank. He felt sad that he wasn't helpful to Italy. 

>Flash forward<

" What will I do with you" Austria said in annoyance. He was carrying Italy by the collar of his outfit. " I let you out of my sight for one second and you go and steal food" Earlier he had caught Italy stealing food from the main kitchen. Austria threw Italy into a dark cell room. 

" Stay in there and think about what you've done" Austria said as he closed the door. "Hai" Italy squeaked. Tears started to develop as Italy clutched his stomach. He hated getting yelled at. 

Roman Empire watched Italy get caught and thrown into the cell. He knew Italy was still hungry so he grabbed a plate and piled it with food from the kitchen. He went back to the cell. He put his ear to the door and listened for Italy's voice. "I'm so hungry" Italy moaned as a loud sound came from his stomach. On the cell door there was a small slit where food and other things could be dropped. Opening the slit, Roman Empire put his face up and glared at Italy. 

"Kyaaa! " Italy screamed. He still wasn't used to Roman Empire and his scary face would always frighten him. Roman Empire slipped the plate of food into Italy's cell and closed the slit. He slid down and sat with his back leaning against the cell door. He let out a sigh. He was still too afraid to approach Italy properly. He closed his eyes and listened for any noise. He then heard the sound of chewing. 

" This tastes nasty " Italy muttered. He pushed the plate away and layed down on the cold floor. Roman Empire smiled and let out a small chuckle. Italy was still a gourmet glutton.

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