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Yoongs: Just because you unfollowed me, doesnt mean I can't message you

Kookie: And just because you text me, doesnt mean I have to answer

Yoongs:  Go to sleep, kid

Kookie: But don't you get it,hyung?

Kookie: I can't sleep. My mind is racing and theres nothing I can do to stop it. I cant sleep. I CAN'T. You tell me to sleep, you know i'm awake. But I can't,hyung. My head hurts.

Yoongs: I wish I could hold you

Kookie: Yeah? well you can't. And I don't want you near me

Yoongs: Mianhaeyo

Kookie: Aish, i'm not just a dumb kid. I won't accept that so easily

Yoongs: Please

Kookie: Aish tell me why

Yoongs: Why what?

Kookie: 왜 사랑해

Yoongs: 나도 하루 사랑해

Kookie: But you can't and neither should I. It's only been 1 and a half months of knowing eachother. It can't be that easy.

Yoongs: Fuck, what am I gonna do about Jimin

Insane. (SugaKookie) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now