I nodded. "Why not seems fun," I stopped. "We are even though right?" She giggled. "Maybe."

We so aren't even. This isn't gonna end well in my favor. We walked into the living room stepping over a towel that someone put to clean up the water. They all looked at her and laughed. "Oh shut it. You guys aren't fair." They all pouted. "But you love us."

"Sadly that's true. Even though you tormented me by pouring ice cold water on me I still love you guys." She hugged them all and turned to me. She motioned for me to follow her once more. Earning a few whistles from the guys we headed back to the kitchen.

"Can you show me where my room is? Please I know I don't have clothes and I don't mind working to earn money for clothes and other things, I'll even sleep in this." She begged. I shook my head. "Alex doll face I have actually bought you clothes okay beautiful. My mom helped me and I also bought you PJs. If you don't mind. And yeah I'll show you to your room. It would be my pleasure."

"Andy I will repay you." I just shook my head and grabbed her arm. "Don't worry about it okay gorgeous."

"But Andy.." She said. "No," I cut her off. "You can get a job but you will not give me one cent of your pay check. Got it." She nodded. I pulled her into a hug. "I love you Alex." I told her. She froze and then relaxed instantly. "I love you to Andy."

I walked her to her room. "You have you're own king sized bed. You also have three dressers filled with clothes, a closet filled with clothes, and another closet filled with shoes and underwear." She blushed. "Thank you Andy." I nodded. "Don't get creeped out about the underwear thing okay. Mom did that. And she also helped me pick out your clothes. Which are all black."

She nodded. "Tell her I said thank you so much." I nodded. "Oh and you have your own bathroom in there as well. Towels are in the laundry room. Let me show you where that's at." I walked with her down the hall for a bit. "Here's the laundry room. Let me grab you a few towels. Here. And if you need anything come and get me." She nodded.

"Like I said Andy thank you so much. You are being so kind and caring." I laughed. "It's no problem." We walked back to her room.

"Well I guess I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I'm going to go get a job so I can get a new phone soon."

"Not going to happen. I will buy your phone. Okay just let me do this one thing for you." She thought about it for a moment. "Fine but that's about all okay?" I nodded.

She walked into her bedroom. "Good night Andy." She hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead. "Good night Alex." She closed the door and I walked away.

What am I going to do? It's been a few days and I already like her-like her. Well fuck. The guys seem to like her to which is awesome. I would never consider dating someone that the band didn't like. Dating? Where did that come from? Would she want to date me? Does she even love me? All these thoughts flew around in my head for awhile. I audibly sighed. One step at a time Andy. One step at a time.


*Alexs POV*

I closed my bedroom door and walked to the first dresser. Inside were socks, tanks tops, shorts, and pants. They all looked like they were PJs. I looked in the next dresser and it was basically the same thing. The next one was the exact same only this one had more shorts in it.

I pulled out a black tank top and red shorts. I threw my wet clothes in the hamper beside my door and grabbed a towel. I locked my bedroom door and walked over to my closet. I opened the doors and inside were cute dresses and t-shirts along with jeans. Sighing I thought about how this is going to take some getting use to.

I walked over the the other closet and found what I was looking for. I grabbed clean underwear and made my way to the bathroom. Looking around I put the clean clothes and towel on the counter. I walked over to the shower and made it as hot as possible. I took off the semi wet underwear I was wearing and wrapped the towel around me. I walked over to the hamper and threw them in. Knock knock. Well fuck.

"Who is it?" I asked through the door. "It's Ash can you open up?"

Fuck. "I'm actually about to get in the shower I'll come back down after I'm done okay." There was silence. And then a sigh. "Okay. You know what I'll just sit here and wait for you to finish if that's okay." I sighed. "That's fine Ash."

I walked back to the bathroom after making sure the door was locked. I out the towel back on the counter and got in to the shower. I just stood there for a minute or two letting the warmth soak into my body. I sighed. This feels so amazing. I shampooed my hair and shaved. At least Amy thought about this to. I turned off the water and grabbed my towel drying off. I got dressed and walked to my bedroom door.

Unlocking it I poked my head out of the door. "You can come in now." He got up and walked over to my bed sitting down. "What's up Ash?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. Just wanted to say night." I still had the towel in my hands drying off my long hair.

"Oh. Okay. Are the guys still down there?" He nodded. I thought for a second. "Cool can I walk back down with you? I wanna grab water before bed."

"Sure no problem." I turned off my lights as I headed out. We were walking down stairs as I tripped and fell. "Fuck!" I cried out.

"Holy crap are you okay?!" He helped me up. "Yeah just fine. Okay no I'm not I think I twisted my ankle."

He picked me up. "Come on. Let's get you some ice." He carried me to the kitchen and sat me down on the counter. "Hey what's going on in there?" Asked Andy. "Well cluts over here fell and twisted her ankle." Ashley said laughing. I kicked him with my good leg. "Fuck you it hurts."

Andy came over and looked at my ankle. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice. "Yeah I'm sure I'll be fine Andy."

"Oh yeah then why are you crying." He asked and wiped a tear from my cheek. I shrugged. He took the ice from Ash and picked me up. "What are doing doing Andy! You can't walk upstairs carrying me!" I shrieked. "We don't need you to fall and break something."

He laughed. "Never said I was taking you back to your room Alex." I looked at him.

"Oh." He laughed. "Just so you know I'm taking you to the living room. You can sleep down here until you can waddle back to your room." I slapped his chest. "To soon?"

I laughed. "A little bit." I looked over his shoulder to see Ash smirking at us. "Like I said bunny. Cute couple." Andy blushed and I laughed.


Oh no Alex got hurt 😭 noooo!!!!! But what do you think about Andy playing around with her? Will he confess his feelings?! So many questions! Haha next chapter will be up soon. Thanks for reading!

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