Chapter Three

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Shannon's POV

The door slammed as I whipped my arm back. How could Annabelle be so selfish? A cousin who I had just met was in the arms of my boyfriend! I sat down on my bed and crossed my arms, thinking of a way to eliminate her. 

Niall couldn't be caught dead with that scum bucket of a girl. Annabelle wasn't tall, her red hair looked too red, and her brown eyes looked too bright, like two overpowered stars. Besides, my reputation depended on this whole dating thing! Niall wasn't even that likeable! If I was supposed to be the star on Broadway next year, I had to have a good reputation. Definetely. 

I needed a plan. A good one. One that would make Niall totally hate her and lose touch. I couldn't have him caring for another girl! 

Bingo! An idea formed in my head. If only I could a, get her to leave London, or b, make her spend her time with someone else. Well, since her dad wanted her to stay here for the summer, plan a wouldn't work. Spend herr  time, spend her time... I stood up and started pacing. Her family? In California at cousin Bea's wedding. Her sister? Nope, in college for the summer. Her best friend? Yep. Sierra Lawrence was perfect for the job. 

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and started punching in buttons. I knew Sierra's phone number from a family reunion. Don't ask why she was there. Annabelle wasn't. 

I held the iPhone up to my ear and listened to the tones. 

"Hello?" a voice asked. Sierra. 

"Hey Sierra, it's me, Shannon, how would you like to come to London for the summer?" 

Niall's POV

"Ugh guys!" I shouted. Louis Tomlinson, a bandmate was crunching on a carrot and listening to "Save You Tonight". He was lounging on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table... Next to my bag of popcorn. "Get your feet away from my popcorn and listen to me!" I commanded, kicking his feet off and pulling the earphones off his head. I rolled my eyes at the song choice. "You listen to your own records?" I asked. Conceited Louis. 

"What?" he exclaimed, taking a bite of carrot. He smiled, showing a mouthful of crunched up carrot. 

"Calm down Niall! You never care about our feet on the table!" Harry observed. 

"Well, yeah but I care about my now smelly popcorn..." I muttered. 

Zayn walked into the living room of Liam's flat. "Jeez Niall, I could hear you screaming from upstairs..." he grumbled. His hair was messed up. He probably just woke up. Wait... Just woke up? It was like, two in the afternoon! 

"Niall! You never act like this unless...." Zayn stopped.

"He has a girl in his life!" Louis and Harry shouted, grinning like madmen. 

"Wait!" Liam yelled. "He has Shannon!" he informed them. 

"I know that but Annabelle... I can't stop thinking about her red hair-" 

"WAIT! She has red hair? How can that be cute?" Harry interrupted me. 

"She just is," I replied. "Just yesterday she fell into my arms from slipping on the wet wooden floor." 

"WOO, what romance you got there." Louis said sarcastically. 

"Maybe you're just tired. You never complained about Shannon." Harry said. 

"Yeah, but maybe I just kept it a secret. Shannon has always been bossing me and whenever I talk to Annabelle, I'm not afraid to be who I really am." I replied. 

"Well," Harry raised his eyebrows. "We just need you to get the girl you really want." 

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