one the hospital beds like a originally feared.

His head lifted off the wall as he turned around and leaned his back against the wall, his eyes although weren't brimmed red were glassy with unshed tears met mine momentarily and I couldn't stop my legs when they quickened their pace so I was jogging to him. He pushed off the wall his expression unreadable as I closed the gap between us and threw my arms around his neck not caring how he may interpret my actions. There was no second guessing my actions or any thinking at all when I squeezed him harder before planting a kiss on the side of his neck, I buried my nose in his neck and inhaled his musky scent. I couldn't help but sigh in content as his smell made its way into my lungs, it was reassurance that Wes was really okay. I didn't realize just how terrified I really was that I'd see Wes in one of these rooms until I was holding him tight in my arms sending a silent thank you that he was in deed fine.

"I'm so happy you're okay." I admitted out loud although it was muffled against his skin

"Sorry I called so late." he said as he pulled back

Reeling in the emotions that spilled forward at the sight of Wes, I sniffed surprised I reached this level of relief. "What's going on Wes? Why are we here?" I asked

He released a deep sigh and turned on his heels but not before I saw the sadness flash in his eyes "My dad had a heart attack a few hours ago."

"Wes-" I began to apologize but realized there was no good going to come out of that

I'm not really the best person to comfort anyone mainly because I can't really comfort anyone especially not in a situation like this, I can't sympathize with him because I've never been in his position before. I could empathize that was for certain and I hope it's enough. I don't really have much experience in this department since I come from a family who is more like a pack of savage wolfs compared to Wes's tight knit family. Taking a deep breath I took two steps forward so we were shoulder to shoulder.

"Is he okay?" I asked

"The attack was pretty serious but the doctors aren't sure if he'll be the same again."

'Why? It's a heart attack not a stroke." I questioned

His shoulders tensed causing me to regret my bluntness, reminding myself to be more sympathetic to his situation I waited for an answer. Wes rested his right arm up on the wall in front of him he sighed "My dad has Alzheimer's."

Cursing myself for my bluntness once again I found myself searching for anything to say not just words of comfort either but came up short and opted for silence instead.

"He was having an episode when the heart attack hit him, he was lost between the past and present. The doctors think his panicking is what triggered the attack since he already has heart problems as it is." he explained "I was with him when it happened. I dropped by to check on him since Marbella told me he has been difficult lately and I thought I'd go calm him down like I usually do but that obviously didn't go well."

"He doesn't live in a nursing home?"

He shook his head, back still to me "He lives at home and we take care of him."

The matter fact tone in his voice reminded me of the argument I over heard Wes and his sister Marbella having a few days ago, they were talking about their dad. Marbella wanted him to get proper care but Wes opposed to it. Taking another step forward I now had a clear view of his expression although I wasn't too sure I wanted to see the sadness burning in his grayish blue eyes.

"When was he diagnosed?" I asked

"A year after my mom's death." he answered in a soft whisper like he was telling me a secret "He was a broke man after her death; didn't eat, sleep, groom himself or even get out of bed for days at a time and that was only when we got him up. Marbella moved back in at that time to take care of Carrie and I while my dad grieved his love, Anna was in Italy at that time. She thought it would last maybe two months, four the most but as the months rolled by and there was no change we grew concerned. We had just lost our mom when we lost our dad too, it was hard for us all especially Carrie who didn't understand why daddy didn't play with her. Around the eleventh month he began talking a little more and once in a while he even smiled which was rare so we though he was improving. We didn't realize anything was wrong when he'd forget our names, maybe it was the fact that we were excited that he was getting back to normal that made us ignore the small detail but we couldn't do the same when he started asking for my mom."

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