
Bonnie: I have to get home before my dad has a search part for me.

Caroline: I have to get home to help my mom with the funeral stuff for tomorrow.

Stefan: I'm gonna find Elena

All 3 of them walk downstairs.

Bonnie whispers to Carolin: why is Matt here?

Caroline whispers back to Bonnie: I have no clue but we have to keep Stefan away from Matt.

Bonnie: I think we forgot to pack Elena's snow globes up but can you do it, Stefan?

Stefan: You are right Bonnie. I forgot about them. I'm gonna go back up the stairs to put them away.

The girls walk downstairs to find Elena.

Stefan is in Elena's room.

Stefan hears someone calling his name. He runs downstairs. To see Matt with Elena. Elena is in the corner of the wall

Downstairs in the dining room

Matt: Elena it is all your fault that you're dad died

Stefan: Jenna can you and the girls go to a different room?

They walk into a different room.

Stefan walks into the room where Matt and Elana are in.

Elena: Stefan you came. Matt has lost his mind.

Stefan: Hey Matt why did you think Elena is the one to blame for her dad's death?

Matt: because she would always complain about how protective her dad was

Elena: I would never complain about that. That's a lie

Stefan: she is telling you the truth.That she is not the one to blame for the death of Grayson.

Matt: How do you know?

Stefan: Because I stayed over and some guy attacked. I was on the roof with Elena and Jeremy.

Matt: I don't believe you.

Stefan walks up to Matt and puts his hands on his shoulder. And showed Matt the flashback of what happened. He took his hand off before it showed the part where Elena tried to use her powers to try to save her dad.

Matt:  now I believe you. I am also here because I have been worried about Jeremy.

Elena used her powers to lightly shock Matt. Because she was so mad at him

Stefan: yelled at Matt to get out of the house

Elena tries to get up but she falls back down.

Stefan walked over to Elena to help her up.

Stefan: Elena, are you ok?

Elena: I think so.

Stefan: Elena, how about you drink some of my blood?

Elena: What are you crazy

Stefan: No Vampire blood can heal you.

Elena: oh yea I forgot it does my dad made me do it once time only

Stefan bites his arm then Elena bites down on it.

Stefan whips the blood off Elena

Stefan: How much do you know about vampires?

Elena: I don't remember that much. I feel dizzy right now

Stefan And Elana get Their Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now