Chapter 1: Sanctuary's Begining

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(F/N) = First name 

(L/N) = Last name 

(E/C) = eyecolor 

(H/C) = Hair color 

(Your P.O.V)

(F/N) (L/N), the ultimate sketch artist.

You had managed to make your mark on your old school, and transferred full time to Hope's Peak Academy, where you and other ultimates from around the world gathered to further enhance their skills.

You had been there for a few years now, and had made a small group of close friends from your class. All of you were inseparable, constantly looking out for each other. You all were in your own little world, and nothing could pop that bubble.

That was until, about a year ago, you met the Ultimate Anthropologist.

He nestled his way into your group of friends, and managed to make himself a vital asset to the group. You two weren't very close, but shared laughs and jokes throughout the group. You even remembered one time where he gave a whole speech in the middle of the outdoor food court, ranting about Italy's ridiculous history in the most comical way possible, just because he was dared to. You remember Gonta laughed so hard he fell back in his chair and cracked the cement behind him, causing you to nearly snort your coffee out your nose.

You were shaken out of your daydream by a pair of snapping fingers right in front of your face, causing you to jump back in your seat. You snapped your head upwards to find none other than your best friend, Miu Iruma, jolting you out of you digging deep into your memories.

"Come one dumbass, class finally ended. We can head back to our dorms now." She snapped, pouting down at you with impatience.

"Relax brainiac, I don't see the reason to rush." You interjected, grabbing your sketchbook off the desk and swinging your bag around your shoulder.

"Uh, there's a reason! Gonta and Tsumugi wanna grab a bite to eat before we fuck off across campus." She scolded, grabbing you by the arm and practically dragging you out the door.

"Well if you mentioned that I would have hauled ass." You snorted, catching up to her pace and linking arms with her.

Both of you kept a fast pace as you traveled down the stairs to the main ground. Miu always insisted on taking the stairs, as she says it'll keep you from 'making you a fat fuckin' sketcher'. It's true, you sat at a desk a lot to sketch, but it's not like you didn't at least exercice or, you know, stand up every once it a while.

"Where do they wanna grab a bite to eat, exactly? There's too many food places on campus." You recalled, looking from left to right, in hopes you'd catch a glimpse of them.

"Christ, I can't fuckin' remember the name..." She cursed, scrunching up her nose. "The place folklore cunt always loves to eat."

You let out a soft 'ooooh', and quickly pulled your best friend to the right, heading to the __ outdoor food court. You both stepped onto the grass and strutted along, eyes locked on the food court. With Miu by your side, you had the confidence to walk like you owned the place. Then again, if you didn't, she'd whine and tell you to get your shit together. So there's always that. You saw out of the corner of your eye a group of boys stare, mouths practically opened.

"Miu, guys are drooling over you. Yet again~." You teased, nudging her a little bit and laughing.

Miu may give you confidence, but you felt as if you had nothing on her. Sure you had her body type, but with a little more volume down towards your thighs, but you felt inferior to her. Her attire screamed "I don't take your shit" and your outfit screamed "I don't exactly care."

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