December: /12/

130 6 0

Dearest Diary,

I am glad to announce that we have arrived safely in a Lebanese town. The town is lovely and peaceful like my old town of Homs.

We can all understand each other because we speak the same language: Arabic.

The school here is a bit smaller than mine, but we learn way more things than just Assad.

I wonder what my family and friends hiding in Syria are doing...

Hopefully they can be reunited with us.

The house here is smaller than our house in Syria, though we have enough room for all of us.

We have been really serious, adjusting to life here in Lebanon. The food is so different!

Batata Harra is a food I really like.

Diary, you have been an important item I've kept over the year. I'll never stop writing into you.

Signed happily living at 'home',

Cheerful Haitham (Signature inserted!)

p.s. I did get a letter! From my friend still living at Homs !

My Syrian War Diaryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें