This chapter's a little steamy~


They both went back to their house only to find Zane completely gone. "Strange. He never really goes out from the house." Garroth pointed out as they made their way to the kitchen.

 "Well, remember after you guys visited Starlight wonderland, I guess Zane changed a lot because of Kawaii-chan there." Laurence replied as he looks around the fridge.

 "Hey Garroth, what do you want to eat anyway?" Laurence asked until a strong hand quickly took his waist and slammed his back into the refrigerator's door.

 "W-what a-re y-you doing?" Laurence asked stuttering as their faces were mere inches away. 

"You know, I haven't had my kiss from you yet." Garroth whispered making Laurence shiver as his hot breath touches his skin. 

"M-maybe l-later. Y-you're hungry a-aren't you?" He only frowned in confusion as Garroth's mouth turned into a smirk.

"B-but what if they see us?" Laurence asked looking away as Garroth started to kiss the edges of his jaw. 

"If you don't want to give me a kiss, then I will." Garroth muttered as his lip trails from his chin, to his nose and finally to his lips. He stopped as his lips are now hovering Laurence's making him groan.

 "I hate you. You know that right?" Laurence whispered in annoyance. "Awww, do you hate me for teasing youu~" Garroth purred. "Just do it." He muttered back.

Garroth smiled as his lips finally touch his. It was a simple peck and stiff at first, but soon, they started to kiss deeper, both melted into the kiss as Laurence hold his two hands to Garroth's neck while Garroth, whose hand was on the wall, slowly moved its way towards Laurence's waist pulling their bodies closer leaving no extra space between them.

They were, of course, fighting for dominance on who is controlling the kiss. It must have took a while as they were both very competitive, that is until Laurence sighed with the new method of how Garroth kiss and let him win. 

They lips had finally parted gasping for multiple breathes after. "You were 'that' needy huh?" Laurence pants. Garroth chuckled as he whispers to his ear once more. "I still am."

Leaving Laurence blush, he took that initiative and slammed his lips to his again. He bit Laurence's mouth for entrance and Laurence, smirked and didn't open. 

Garroth, frowned as he bit his bottom lip harder that blood started to come out. Laurence, gasped at the sudden pain and while his mouth parted slightly open, Garroth wasted no time and slid his tongue into his. Laurence moaned at the sudden contact as his hand started to massage Garroth's hair.

"Ahem, if you two please continue to the right counter, I have to take out the cupcakes Nana and I made earlier today." A grumpy loud voice startled them as they-no Laurence quickly moved his head towards the side ending their rather 'smoky' make out session.

A flood of worry, nervousness, and guilt came crashing down into Laurence's mind. Zane just stood there admiring how he felt scared after. 

However, his mouth frowned as Garroth slowly turned his head towards his making direct eye contact at each other. To Zane, he was beyond surprised to see Garoth's infuriated face, one that he only gives when they were at their parent's business meeting. 

Other than that, a slight hint of worriedness came into Zane but he didn't let any of it out as he taps his foot impatiently.

"Sure thing baby brother." Garroth muttered in a disappointed tone as he moves the frozen body of Laurence to the side.

"Thank you." Zane thanked as he pulled out the cupcakes from the fridge and made its way back upstairs. 

He turned back to them who was in deep thought. "I knew it from the start now stop eyeing on the trash can Garroth." Zane pointed out.

 "Huh? What did you say?" Zane smirked and laughed evilly. "I'm sure your boyfriend heard it." With that, he turned back and went upstairs to tell the magnificent sight he got to see to Kawaii-chan.

"W-well umm, I have to get to w-work, s-see ya." Laurence blabbered as he dashed into his room locking it completely then putting both of his hands to his face. 

"Oh my Irene." He mumbled as he sat behind his door. Garroth, who was still looking at the wall where Laurence was recently standing, straightened up his back and took a slice of cake and went upstairs. 

His mouth slowly turned into a deep scowl as he sends terrifying death glares to Zane. 

"Ooohh my Irene! You guyss are soo perfect for each other~~!" Kawaii-chan squeals as she hugs Garroth shaking him side to side. "Zane, what did you tell her?"

Zane chuckled "Oh nothing really, just told her about how I saw two men making out on the kitchen that's all."

  Oh Garroth was beyond outraged. Sure they'll be telling Kawaii-chan soon, but to even tell the..."Wait, how did you describe it anyway?" Garroth asked. 

Zane's smile grew even more. He wasn't wearing his mask after all since his girlfriend is here but that made it even worse. "In detail of course. I even told her how you stopped snoring so loudly ever since we came back from the resort."

"Why you..." He stopped as he saw Kawaii-chan's genuine smile. "I'm happy for you guys. Plus, don't be embarrassed that you're dating. All couples kiss!" Kawaii-chan assured as she jumped back to Zane giving him a small peck on the cheeks. 

"Thanks Kawaii-chan." Garroth smiled as he went to Laurence's door...knocking. "Hey! Open up!" Garroth yelled as he knocked even louder. 

Laurence who was busy buttoning his shirt quickly jumped and locked himself to the closet since..."BAM!" 

Laurence sighed at the sound of his broken door. "Buddy, I know you're in here," Garroth smirked as he opened the bathroom door. 

Luckily, the closet door was at the other side and so after he got dressed, he quickly jumped from the window and ran.

Laurence kept running despite leaving Garroth all of the sudden. He can't bear looking at him straight to the eye right now! 

"He'll forgive me later anywaaay-aghh!" His body was pushed to the ground as he fights back. "L-let go!" He yelled as he punched him in the stomach not even bothering who it was and kept running. 

"Great, now I'm getting kidnapped?" 


Chapter 3 fin!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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