missing you

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i miss him
and theres nothing i can do about that
i love him
and theres nothing i can do about that either

you are my best friend
my only real friend i think
i need you here
i need your voice
your touch, love, support
and i cant have any of that

why does the universe hate me?
why does it want me to feel the way i do?
i just need to hear your voice
i need to know
you still love me

why do they do this?
why do they hate me?
i just need to know that you are okay
and that,
that you are still going to wait
like i'm waiting for you

it's been 30 days
30 hard fucking days
that i haven't seen you
how do you deal with not having any contact with the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with?

all i want is for you to be here
it's not going to happen though
is it?

i love you
with all my heart
and my everything
and i hope you still love me too.

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