[8] I N S E C U R I T I E S

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Those pride hearts are so pretty, I wanna do them more often. Since it is still pride month hehehee.

Hey, what a surprise, lonely me is asking for comments/reactions again. Sorry:/ THEY JUST BRIGHTEN MY MOOD SO MUCH.

You don't even know. I am so bored and so urgh all day that every time I get a wattpad notification I just pray for it to be a comment. And I literally SQUEAL when it is.


have fun reading guys.
I love you

James's pov

Nolan has been at my place a few times now. But only when my parents weren't home.

Today would be the first the they got to meet him. But only a small 'hey, this is a friend' meeting. And just because they were home and I really wanted to have Nolan around me.

"Mom? Dad? This is Nolan." I said confidently as he walked through the front door that I just opened for him. I could practically see their faces light up. That's how well I knew them. "We're studying." I lied. "He's a friend." Such a liar today.

"We finally get to meet you-" I shot my mother an angry glare. "Very- very nice to meet you Nolan." I knew she was gonna make a scene if I didn't just stop her.

After all- that dinner a few weeks ago, Jamie told them that I met someone.

"Finally." Nolan whispered to me. "Have you told them about me?"

"I might have mentioned you one time. But nothing major." I blushed.

"Ok. Well," His voice got louder again.

"Son, what happened to your fa-" My mother interrupted him but Nolan interrupted her right after.

"Very nice to meet you, too. I'm fine. Thanks for worrying. Sorry for interrupting. But...I'm ok." What was with his face?

See, when I first told my parents about Nolan I was excited and told them that I actually could imagine being with him.

I still do.

But he doesn't know that. So my parents need to keep it on the low.

"We'll go and study now- ok?" I mumbled as I started to walk towards my room and pulled Nolan with me.

I heard Marley walk behind us as well.

"He's cute." My mother whispered as I passed her.

"I know. But we're just friends." I hissed, quietly.

We were more than that.

Once we reached my room I heard the door slam shut and I jumped from that noise.

"We're friends." Nolan suddenly moaned as he pressed me against the nearest wall and slammed his mouth to mine, his tongue into my mouth and his hands to my chest.

"Yes." I whispered while my fingers wandered under his shirt and our tongues fought for dominance. "We are, right?" His won.

"Why wouldn't I want to be friends with you?" He groaned into our heated kiss. Shit, this was getting way too hot, way too quickly.

"Cause it has been three weeks since we first met." I mumbled.

"Oh, you think I will be so kind and leave you alone. No, you're not going to get rid of me that easily." He chuckled while he kissed my lips again, this time slow and gentle.

Out Of Sight (BoyxBoy) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें