Chapter 9

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Emma’s POV:

                It’s really sad that my last day in Chicago, my last day with H, ended on a sour note. While our fight made me want to cry thinking about it, everything I said was true. The whole week I was here we had put off my inevitable goodbye and when the problem arose, he didn’t want to face the truth. It pained me to have to try to tell him I didn’t love him but it was what I needed to say in order to get him to let me go. Of course it wasn’t true, I loved him with all my heart but there was no way I could stay in Chicago and he knew that.

                As I got up early for my flight back home, I tried to push out thoughts of H, just to make it a bit easier on myself. I was fine up until I got to the airport and saw everyone with their loved ones saying goodbye. Of course not all of them were sad goodbyes, kids going back to college; a friend dropping of another friend who is off to traveling the world. I couldn’t handle that the one person I wanted to say goodbye to, was the same person who I let walk out of my hotel room after having to tell him I didn’t love him.

And it’s like he knew all of this because when I looked around at all these people and their loved ones, the love of my life came through the doors of the airport, with flowers in his hands, and looked around for me. And when he found me, it had been like a scene in the movies.

H’s POV:

                As soon as I walked out of that hotel room, I knew I was going to that airport to see Emma. I don’t care that if when I got there she didn’t acknowledge my existence and go on that plane anyway, or if she ran over to me and told me she wouldn’t leave and we would just go back to my place and watch a movie for old times sake. All I could hope is that with a smile on my face and flowers in my hands, she would realize that I let her go once and I wasn’t about to let her go again.

                It didn’t take long for her to spot me, and when she did, she started to make her way to me. Closing the distance between us, I started to meet her in the middle. A few yards apart, she dropped her suitcase, I set the flowers down, and she jumped into my arms, which I gladly embraced her.

“I’m glad you caught me before I left.” She whispered in my ear.

“I couldn’t let you leave me again.” I whispered back.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered.

“I’m sorry too.” I said and squeezed her tighter.

She pulled away. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. This is all my fault.”

“It takes two to tango, babe.” I said and swung her back into me like a dance.

“I do love you.” She said looking into my eyes.

“I know, and I love you too.”

“Thank you.” She said and rested her head on my chest. She sighed and said, “Ugh, we are such a mess.”

I laughed, “Yeah we are, but we are a beautiful mess.”

“That’s an oxymoron.” She said

“Don’t you get a smarticle on me miss!” I said

“Sorry.” She said and I felt her smile. “H, I have to get ready for my flight soon.”

She pulled away. I sighed and said, “We will work this out later okay? When you get home.”

“Okay.” She said taking a deep breath.

“We will stay together okay?” I said reassuring her but she only gave a weak nod. “I can’t give you up again; I won’t let this get ruined again.”

“Okay, well I have to go now.” She said and started to gather up her suitcase and my flowers.

I pulled her into a long but soft kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She said and started to walk away. “Oh and H?”

“Yes?” I said

“Never call me babe again.” She said with a smile.

“Okay boo-bear!” I yelled and she walked away smiling and shaking her head. “Honey sickle! Pumpkin!”

“You’re such an embarrassment!” She yelled and walked past the area I could enter. It is different from the last time we were in an airport together, because this time, I knew everything was going to okay.

After the Explosion- HBomb94 Fan FicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum