Chapter 3

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Emma’s POV:

                A few days later, in the mist of my work, I got a text from an unknown number.

“Hey xD”

“Hi, um who is this?” I texted back

“Oh…it’s H…”

 As soon as I saw this is felt like a horrible person. I deleted his number because to be honest I didn’t ever thing I would need it again. Also there was something a little satisfying about deleting your ex’s number out of your phone.

“Oh sorry. My contacts got messed up once and I never got yours back in xD.” I typed just to make him feel better.

“It’s okay, so when are you free to catch up??”

I looked at my calendar and saw that it was Monday, “How about weds?”

“Sounds good to me. 11 good?”

“Yup see you then.”

                I locked my phone and deeply sighed. I really shouldn’t be doing this because he has Eleanor now and I don’t want to be a home-wrecker or anything. But I already told H I would and I didn’t want to let him down so I put on my big girl pants and went. It was only two old friends hanging out right?

                When the day came, I probably changed my outfits about 3 times and had a minor heart attack every time I thought I heard someone knock on my door. Finally there was one knock sound that was louder than the other sounds and I knew that H was here.

I went to the door and opened it with a smile. “Hey H, long time no see!”

We walked to the car making small talk when H said, “So I’m not going to bore you with going to a museum you don’t want to go to today,” I laughed and got flashbacks to our ‘first hang out’. “So I just thought we can go somewhere for lunch and talk.”

“H I swear if you take me to Chipotle…”

“Nah, I’m feeling a nice pizza today.” H said with a smile.

I laughed. “Okay, yeah I could do pizza.”

                We got to the pizza place and he paid for a plain cheese pizza for the two of us. Grabbing a booth, we took a seat and starting catching up.

“So how’s YouTube going along?” I asked.

“It’s pretty good, mostly the same…I, actually um, took a break a little while back.”

“Yeah I saw that.”

“Oh, do you still watch my videos?”

“I did back then, I don’t anymore.” I said and he looked a bit disappointed. “I mean sometimes I do, you know, if I have time or something.”

“Oh yeah of course.” He said and there was an awkward silence. “I did a face cam!”

“Yeah I saw that! I’m so proud of you!” I said causing him to smile. “I saw a lot of very supportive comments.”

“Yeah you were great.” He said and then realized his mistake. “They! I mean they were great!” I didn’t think things could’ve been anymore awkward. “Also I moved out of our old place.”

Okay I was wrong. “Oh what happened?”

“Well you know how it is, I couldn’t really afford to live there by myself and also it was kind of lonely.”

Hearing the sadness in his voice made my eyes start to water a bit. “H, I’m sorry.”

“No, no it’s okay.” He said with his head down. “It was also hard because I couldn’t really handle being reminded every second of the memories with you in that place.”

“H maybe this wasn’t such a good idea to meet up.” I said and started to stand up.

“No!” He shouted at me and earned us getting stares from the few people in the restaurant. “Please just sit back down.” I sat back down. “I’m sorry, it’s just, it’s been 3 years and now you’re back, it’s like seeing a ghost.”

“I understand H, but I don’t really thing we should be talking about the past like that. I mean you have Eleanor now.”

“Shit!” he said and banged on the table earning us more stares. It was as if me saying her name reminded H that he had a girlfriend.

“H, it’s okay. I didn’t come to Chicago for you, I came for my job. I never wanted to stop your life and remind you of our past.”

“I don’t need you here to remind me of our past…” H said quietly. My eyes were definitely watering now.


“No, you’re right. You’re right. I have Eleanor now and I shouldn’t be here. I’m so sorry Emma but I have to go.” He said and left, leaving me by myself in the booth.

                Tears were welling up in my eyes but then I remembered something. I took out my phone and opened up a message to H.

“Um… so I just realized… you’re my ride home…”

                I sent it and smiled a bit to myself, wiping away the small tears that had formed.I then saw H come through the door, trying to have a serious face but failing with a smile cracking through. He came to the table and grabbed my hand pulling me out the door with him; while we were trying not to laugh. It was just like how it used to be.

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